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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 64% of ppl give up on Wii Fit

And the point is??

I quit playing FF12 after 40 hours of playtime on it, haven't played it since then.

I don't use my Wii fit so much right now beacuse after a few weeks I started to run 6 km 3 times a week instead and I have Wii fit to thank for that.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

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Brainslug said:
Not only is it a small sample size, look at the source people!

It's readers of an IT Media Magazine - What's the percentage of actual casual fitness types that will seek out Wii Fit that also read an IT Media magazine?

I'm not surprised one bit that 64% of IT MEDIA readers would be the types to buy technology on a whim to try it, then stop using it.

I for one, Use it daily.

 The sample size is sufficiently large to start to draw some conclusions about usage. The second problem you bring up is spot on though. This is not a representative example of the general Wii user-base. and no where near representative of the casual market it claims to project on. While the numbers are interesting, they are not even evidence (let alone proof) that 64% of the casual market have stopped using the device.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Million said:

jjseth said:
Hmmmmm... seems to prove my point of Wii Fit being a fad. ;)

Although it is a shame that more aren't faithfully using it, or maybe moving onto a gym to keep in good health.


If a 5 million seller game is your definition of "Fad" then i'd love to see your defnition of success.

Just because it's selling well, doesn't mean it's not a fad.

Fad: "A fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time"

Yeah sure it's selling great, and since it's sold so much, of course Nintendo considers it a success (because of $$$). What about games like

Wii Sports
Wii Play
Brain Age (1 and 2)

or other games that have been labelled fads? With Brain Age and Wii Fit and Nintendogs, I think those games were meant to be played at least every other day, to maintain your pet, to maintain your brain, to maintain your physical health. How successful is it if you stop playing it so soon after its release?

It might be a success to Nintendo to have taken your cash, but for consumers it was an impulse buy that stays unused sitting on your living room floor like the countless number of weight loss devices that some people may have been suckered into buying.



Gee... I wonder what percentage of people who played GTA4 still play it regularly.

I'd guess less then 36%.

wii fit 2 and 3 and 4 will all have the same effect its a FAD

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Naum said:
And the point is??

I quit playing FF12 after 40 hours of playtime on it, haven't played it since then.

I don't use my Wii fit so much right now beacuse after a few weeks I started to run 6 km 3 times a week instead and I have Wii fit to thank for that.


 FF12 wasn't meant for multiple playings.

It's kind of like a movie, you pay to watch it, but you probably wouldn't pay to watch it again and again (unless you REALLY REALLY REALLY liked the movie).

Wii Fit on the other hand, was meant to be played quite often, and perhaps, indefinitely.

Gearbox said:
wii fit 2 and 3 and 4 will all have the same effect its a FAD

Just like every other game in existance?


Kasz216 said:
Gee... I wonder what percentage of people who played GTA4 still play it regularly.

I'd guess less then 36%.

I'm guessing games with replayability, such as multiplayer online games, (take COD4, or Team Fortress 2 for example), I'm sure there are tonnes of people who still play that everyday.


Soriku said:

Guys...this is a poll of 1000 people. Not very credible, is it?


If it was done properly, it could be quite accurate, actually. Most polls/surveys go for the 1000 person sample size.

Google turns up a nice blog post on the issue:

Of course, there are lots of mistakes which might have been made in the execution which might give inaccurate results, but a sample size of 1000 isn't one of them.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

whyser said:
Kasz216 said:
Gee... I wonder what percentage of people who played GTA4 still play it regularly.

I'd guess less then 36%.

I'm guessing games with replayability, such as multiplayer online games, (take COD4, or Team Fortress 2 for example), I'm sure there are tonnes of people who still play that everyday.


I highly disagree 36% of the people who bought COD4 play it once a week. You really don't get how many people that is.

That's like... 3 million individual players a week not counting PC. That's highly unlikely.

As for the 22% every day.... yeah... no.

This is actually an amazing number as far as games go... REALLY amazing when you consider how successful it was.  Usually stuff like this is going to be higher on very small very niche yet popular niche games.

Like Disgaea.