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Brainslug said:
Not only is it a small sample size, look at the source people!

It's readers of an IT Media Magazine - What's the percentage of actual casual fitness types that will seek out Wii Fit that also read an IT Media magazine?

I'm not surprised one bit that 64% of IT MEDIA readers would be the types to buy technology on a whim to try it, then stop using it.

I for one, Use it daily.

 The sample size is sufficiently large to start to draw some conclusions about usage. The second problem you bring up is spot on though. This is not a representative example of the general Wii user-base. and no where near representative of the casual market it claims to project on. While the numbers are interesting, they are not even evidence (let alone proof) that 64% of the casual market have stopped using the device.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229