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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A theory of why KH3 or FFVII remake will be on Wii

Kasz216 said:
Ajax said:
So you believe Square will put XIII on the PS3, get the FF fans over there, but then release FFVII on the Wii?...... no......

Will it get the FF fans over though?

All of em or just the REALLY hardcore ones. Most fans likely already have a Wii as it is. That's definitly the case in Japan in anycase.

Final Fantasy has never been on a "losing" console before so it should be interesting.  Final Fantasy games have always been the types of games the "non-rpg" crowd would buy as their couple RPGs for the generation... it will be interesting to see if that same crowd is on the PS3 or not... if not I don't see them buying a PS3 for a genre they don't like.  Could be the difference between 5 and 10 million.


FFXIII/FFVXIII will probably get the the hardcore guys over to the ps3, but FFXIII/FFVXIII + FFVII should be able to pull over a lot more who were on the fence previously and couldn't justify the purchase.  Putting FFVII on the ps3 would increase the sales of both FFXIIIs.  It would strengthen the base on the system to which each game could sell.

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Only DQVII and VIII released on a Playstation first. And Soriku, I don't believe Square thought the PSP would crush the NDS, where did you here that? Square wanted CC on the PSP because they had something in mind for which they needed the PSP; just take a look at the game and you'll understand.


FFVII will never be on the Wii because FFVII was published by Sony with Square. If you go to a website about it, you will see Sony published FFVII with Square

makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
Ajax said:
So you believe Square will put XIII on the PS3, get the FF fans over there, but then release FFVII on the Wii?...... no......

Will it get the FF fans over though?

All of em or just the REALLY hardcore ones. Most fans likely already have a Wii as it is. That's definitly the case in Japan in anycase.

Final Fantasy has never been on a "losing" console before so it should be interesting.  Final Fantasy games have always been the types of games the "non-rpg" crowd would buy as their couple RPGs for the generation... it will be interesting to see if that same crowd is on the PS3 or not... if not I don't see them buying a PS3 for a genre they don't like.  Could be the difference between 5 and 10 million.


FFXIII/FFVXIII will probably get the the hardcore guys over to the ps3, but FFXIII/FFVXIII + FFVII should be able to pull over a lot more who were on the fence previously and couldn't justify the purchase.  Putting FFVII on the ps3 would increase the sales of both FFXIIIs.  It would strengthen the base on the system to which each game could sell.

FFVII might give a boost to the sales of both XIIIs, assuming that they would all be released around the same time period. If VII were to be released shortly before XIII (unlikely) it would greatly boost sales. However, Since it seems that SE is putting a lot of effort into XIII, VII wouldn't be released until a while later.

Actually, i believe that they should just put it on PSN and Add a bunch of extras (new dungeons, side quests, etc) and slightly update the Graphics. While it won't sell systems, it should still be able to sell quite a bit.


PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

I'm quite amazed by the ammount of response for my theory. But missaunderstandings have come and mostly due to blindness caused from fanboysm, good or bad. I will go a bit deeper so you can do your research and come with a theory for PS3 or maybe Xbox 360.

SquareEnix is a company that when announces a project, they will go to the end to release it. This is why they haven't changed the platform for the project during development. As a developer compromised with quality titles, canceling a project would mean for them that they were unable to deliver. Their games sell really well in all regions...

Note: This does not mean that Capcom was unable to deliver MH3 on PS3... actually their reason was totally different: They were unable to be successful on a Sony platform outside Japan, so they changed to try a different strategy on RPG hungry platform... Wii

However, I need to clear out four things

  1. A tech demo is just that, a TECH DEMO. Is not a game in development or even a game in the planning stages. The purpose of them is to prove the capabilities of the system. Square had a TECH DEMO of a RPG battle with FF charactes on Nintendo 64 (which I still believe it was a RPG capable platform without the need of FMV's) but no game was developed, it was never planned. The FFVII video is the same thing, a demo but never a game in development. With models from the Advent Chidren movie is actually a perfect tease. But is no message at all, get over it.
  2. This is SquareEnix we're talking about, people. No matter the platform, they do their best and deliver quality. FFIV on DS is a proof that they can deliver on the dual screen handheld and may even surpass the SNES original (just as Capcom did with REmake on GC). If FFVII comes to Wii, willit suck because it doesn't have "next gen graphics"? Come on, that's total BS. Will it suck on PS3 because is more of the same but prettier look without new gen controls? That's BS too. Square will use the platform's capabilities to the max and make a quality title.
  3. FFXII and Chrystal Tools alone is no indication, but may be part of one. Shielding on one single game and the engine behind it is no theory at all, it loos more of a desperate defense. I want you  to deliver an arguement based on evidence that you find. Maybe your onclusion will not lead to PS3 but PSP is you look at Crisis Core and may use Dissidia's battle system. Or may become a PC game with online co-op based on FFXI success... I have found good arguements in this threat and I like to confron them as their authors confront mine in a solid way.
  4. What's wrong with "the more the merrier"? I have no doubts that if FFVII is released on PS3 it will sell really good. But remember, SquareEnix is a company, and as one it needs money. Keeping the fanbase happy is good, but keeping them happy while gathering more fans from a different market is a lot better. I want to invite the selfish fanboys out there to stop and think for a second that such expansion might benefit the developer with wil be reflected in  better quality games on all platforms. Maybe developing the wii game will give hints on improving the gameplay of a PS3 one. SquareEnix won't give PS3 gamers the finger if they release FFVII on Wii... this fear has no foundation at all.




Back to topic

I can't say which one (KH3 or FFVII Remake) would come to Wii. My theory just indicates that in order to enter the market successfully, they must make their move swiftly and step by step on this new market so them arrive with a bang or a "megaton" with a powerful title. This is a slow process and maybe is probablu SE president often gets mad at the Wii.

Why the slow process? On PSP/PS3/Xbox360 is a lot easier because of two factors: the hype and the fans. The proportion on these platfoms are inclined towards "harcore" gaming, so the sales are an easy bet. But on Wii the game is playes with different rules. Just releasing a hardcore game out of the blue may not make the desired impact (No more Heroes in Japan). And excluding one GC game, they practically abandoned the Nintendo fanbase and market for two generations. Many Wii owners don't know if SquareEnix makes good games or if FinalFantasy is a good franchise.  So a slow approach with remakes that are easier because they can recycle story and gameplay aspects is a good  choice.

 Then why bother? The problem is not now but in the future. The Wii is the best selling console and developers are taking notice. Companies that see a lot of risk developing forn PS3/Xbox360 (they don't have the same budget as SE) can develop on Wii and can cater a huge audience. Some are lazy and some take it very seriously. If developers that take it seriously make a very compellling and powerful RPG with Wii controls and invite the new market in the process, they will become very popular and known as companies that deliver excellent quality. And if SE doesn't deliver... they will fail and considered themselves unable to expand to new markets.... and if a company gets to the point that is unable to expand, that company is on a slow sinking ship. With the Wii, some companies may very well disrupt SquareEnix. 

That,.... and the fear of what will happen if Nintendo and Monolith Soft actually make the RPG bridge game?

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Soriku said:

Don't use NMH in Japan as an indicator that hardcore third party games don't sell on the Wii. Suda's games were never popular in Japan so you can't use NMH as an example. Call me when a hardcore games sells bad on the Wii that isn't as niche as Suda's games and had a lot going for it.

But I agree with the rest.


 you missunderstood me.

 I didn't say that third party hardcore games don't sell on the Wii. What I meant is that NMH would sell a lot better on Wii if a previous game that introduces Suda and the company to the gaming audience that would act as the stepping stone for their punk game, it would do better.

NMH is a great game and I consider it a "megaton" title, but it needed an introductory game that would hype more gamers into what this game can deliver. Such as Wii-sports is the introductory game to Mario Galaxy, Prime 3 or Twilight Princess to the new gamers that may not know these franchises

Actually FF7 was originally planned for N64, but scraped because of the PS1 being so popular. (Which yes... it was very popular before FF7, people like to think that FF7 made the Playstation for some reason.)

People often blame it on the cartdiges... but FF7 came out January 97.

Which means development changed in 94 or 95.

makingmusic476 said:
Kasz216 said:
Ajax said:
So you believe Square will put XIII on the PS3, get the FF fans over there, but then release FFVII on the Wii?...... no......

Will it get the FF fans over though?

All of em or just the REALLY hardcore ones. Most fans likely already have a Wii as it is. That's definitly the case in Japan in anycase.

Final Fantasy has never been on a "losing" console before so it should be interesting. Final Fantasy games have always been the types of games the "non-rpg" crowd would buy as their couple RPGs for the generation... it will be interesting to see if that same crowd is on the PS3 or not... if not I don't see them buying a PS3 for a genre they don't like. Could be the difference between 5 and 10 million.


FFXIII/FFVXIII will probably get the the hardcore guys over to the ps3, but FFXIII/FFVXIII + FFVII should be able to pull over a lot more who were on the fence previously and couldn't justify the purchase. Putting FFVII on the ps3 would increase the sales of both FFXIIIs. It would strengthen the base on the system to which each game could sell.

But if they are going to do a remake FF7 wouldn't be released for a year or two after FF13. Probably not until FF13V releases sicne they've stated they'd want to have the entire original team on the project and no talk of a remake could happen until after 13.

If a FF7 remake happens, it's not going to be until towards the end of this generation.... (Or middle of PS3s generation if you beleive sony really won't release a new console for 10 years.)

RockSmith372 said:
FFVII will never be on the Wii because FFVII was published by Sony with Square. If you go to a website about it, you will see Sony published FFVII with Square

You do know there are plenty of games that are published by the console companies then change ship right?

Unless Sony owns the right to the Final Fantasy 7 IP.... it's unlikely that has any effect.


Unlike DQ series FF never go backwards which is the reason SE will always keep FF franchise on PS.