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Soriku said:

Don't use NMH in Japan as an indicator that hardcore third party games don't sell on the Wii. Suda's games were never popular in Japan so you can't use NMH as an example. Call me when a hardcore games sells bad on the Wii that isn't as niche as Suda's games and had a lot going for it.

But I agree with the rest.


 you missunderstood me.

 I didn't say that third party hardcore games don't sell on the Wii. What I meant is that NMH would sell a lot better on Wii if a previous game that introduces Suda and the company to the gaming audience that would act as the stepping stone for their punk game, it would do better.

NMH is a great game and I consider it a "megaton" title, but it needed an introductory game that would hype more gamers into what this game can deliver. Such as Wii-sports is the introductory game to Mario Galaxy, Prime 3 or Twilight Princess to the new gamers that may not know these franchises