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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 2 New Star Ocean 4 Screens + Artwork

mrstickball said:
Earlier question about disc size and RPGs:

For BD and LO (I own both, mind you), the reason they were 3-4 disks wasn't due to the size of the games, but entirely due to the cutscenes. Both games had at least 1hr, if not close to 2hrs, of HD cutscenes. Since HD cutscenes take up, oh, 3-4x more memory than an SD cutscene...You can fill a regular size DVD very quickly (which is why many PS3 games, ala MGS4, have many cutscenes).

About "who needs FF", my reasoning is that SO4 looks awesome. Everyone bills the Final Fantasy series as some sort of un-touchable mammoth of a series. However, SO4 looks awesome, and is actually taking a Sci-Fi approach to the RPG genre, rather than a half-cocked one that FF and other carbon-copies take. This makes me excited that we might see a game do Sci-Fi right.

So, if BD and LO only used real-time cutscenes, then they could probably fit on one DVD


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Aw man, every 360 jrpg thread gets trolled by guys just spamming FF13FF13FF13 all over.

Anyways, that dragon shot might be in-engine cutscene but I doubt it's a gameplay shot, it's just way too good looking. Now here's hoping there's more sc-fi stuff in the game instead of being stuck in backwater primitive planets for most of the game.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
Aw man, every 360 jrpg thread gets trolled by guys just spamming FF13FF13FF13 all over.

Anyways, that dragon shot might be in-engine cutscene but I doubt it's a gameplay shot, it's just way too good looking. Now here's hoping there's more sc-fi stuff in the game instead of being stuck in backwater primitive planets for most of the game.

This will be the most sci-fi oriented game in the series as confirmed by Tri-Ace and S-E


Bitmap Frogs said:
Aw man, every 360 jrpg thread gets trolled by guys just spamming FF13FF13FF13 all over.

Anyways, that dragon shot might be in-engine cutscene but I doubt it's a gameplay shot, it's just way too good looking. Now here's hoping there's more sc-fi stuff in the game instead of being stuck in backwater primitive planets for most of the game.


Hard to bitch about that kind of thing when your OP calls out FF.  That's like me putting up an R2 thread, flippantly saying that it's quality makes GeoW unnecessary, and then bitching about people telling me I'm wrong.

Sigh....I need to follow my own advice to Pristine it seems.


Looks wonderful. I can't wait---Day 1 buy for sure.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

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Torillian said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Aw man, every 360 jrpg thread gets trolled by guys just spamming FF13FF13FF13 all over.

Anyways, that dragon shot might be in-engine cutscene but I doubt it's a gameplay shot, it's just way too good looking. Now here's hoping there's more sc-fi stuff in the game instead of being stuck in backwater primitive planets for most of the game.


Hard to bitch about that kind of thing when your OP calls out FF.  That's like me putting up an R2 thread, flippantly saying that it's quality makes GeoW unnecessary, and then bitching about people telling me I'm wrong.

Sigh....I need to follow my own advice to Pristine it seems.


Sure the OP might have called it for this thread, but just check back - there's plenty of jrpg topics on this forum without mentions to FF that had "the usual suspects" raining all over it with FFF13FF13FF13 all 360 jrpgs don't matter FF13FF13FF13.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

The second picture is awesome! It looks so cool! If I get a 360, I'll be getting this probably.

FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.

sc94597 said:
FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.

FFXII is still a FF game at heart.  Sure, the story isn't as good and the main characters, with the exception of Bathier, are bland but the game is still great because of its gameplay


I'll Believe those shots are In-Game and not prerendered when I see the game running on a console and some one is controlling a characters movement with a controller.

4 ≈ One