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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. League

how do i end contest?

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Smeags won

Wow, some amazing matches Pichu! Although there was a lot of facepalming...

I almost had a heart attack on the first match, it was so close!
And I'm not sure what was up with the WarioWare stage, strange shenanigans.
After playing on Delfino Plaza, I can understand if you hate that stage...
And what an epic ending to our Pika-Ganon match. Ganoncide ftw!

riot, are you ready to fight for that 5th position?

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

So I see that Pichu is 16th and I am 18th... do we switch positions? I'm just happy to be one of the top smasher on VGC... for now. It's really cool!

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^ your really strong with Toon Link, You keep attacking before I do my tail spin...

ctk495 said:
adamd. said:
Where is smeag i would like to challenge him.


Hey do I now you from somewhere else?


 Umm.... I don't know i'm from five other forums with this name.


well COX beat me

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Brute nice games...i was getting worried that 2nd fight...the first you handidly beat me..good job

ok...i have successfully defended my position against brute.
He won first match and i won last 2...

@ ivo i'm going to send you my replay of one of my matches...please put on youtube


I'm ready, but how do I do that random stage thing?

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