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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Chrono Trigger DS confirmed real

Don't wake me up!
Don't wake me up!
Wait.I woke already up.
So it is not a dream.
*checks the calendar with tears in his eyes*
No Aprils fool!
*more silence*
Freude schöner Götterfunken...

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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I can't wait to revive this thread once the game comes out and totally blows. It will be epic.

To be honest I hope this game turns out great, like the original. I'm sure it will, since they know the repercussions that await them if they fail...

Never played CT, so *really* looking forward to this. I have my RPG haven on the DS confirmed for the next few years...

I saw this on MagicBox - they also said:



- Square Enix announced Chrono Trigger for NDS, a remake of the classic 16-bit RPG, the DS version will be released in winter 2008.

- Bandai Namco announced Tales of Hearts for NDS, the latest installment of the Tales RPG series. The game will have 2D graphics and 3D background, characters will have a more realistic look than previous works. The game is scheduled for a winter 2008 release.

- Matrix Software and Red Entertainment are working on a new RPG Wind of Nostalgia for NDS, which will be published by Tecmo in Japan.


- Bandai Namco announced Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 for PSP, the sequel to the popular Tales spin-off RPG, the game will feature over 50 characters from the Tales series.

P L A Y S T A T I O N 3

- Bandai Namco confirmed a new Tales title for PS3 will be revealed later this year.

- Nippon Ichi has released new downloadable content for Disgaea 3 on PlayStation Network, which adds two new characters from Disgaea 2 and a new generic character Neokomata. Each character costs 100 - 200 yen to download.


- Nippon Ichi America announced three new titles for US release:

* August 26 - Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (PS3)
* September 23 - Disgaea DS (NDS)
* September 23 - Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (NDS)

- Sega confirmed that Ryuga Gotoku 3 [Yakuza] is in development, this is the true sequel to the Ryuga Gotoku series, which makes Ryuga Gotoku Kanzan for PS3 a spin-off of the series.

(wonder if there is any chance the "real" Yakuza will hit the Wii or DS... or just the PS3 again)

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

New games in the Tales series isn't news. That's just Tuesday.

Seriously, I am still waiting to hear something official about CT, just in case.

BTW, if this is a port, with the cut scenes from the Playstation version, that would mean the only game the DS has left to truly redeem the N64 is FFVII.

So what if it would be a port? Losing FFVII was where the N64 started its fall from grace. Getting FFVII on a Nintendo system would be the ultimate redemption for the N64.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

CT was a masterpiece, I personally don't think they should have even considered a remake.

However, it shall be amusing to see the absolute hatred this game will receive once it is released.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 
Around the Network
Picko said:
CT was a masterpiece, I personally don't think they should have even considered a remake.

However, it shall be amusing to see the absolute hatred this game will receive once it is released.


Just do like Metroid Zero mission and have the original version built in. If fans hate the remake, they can just blow through it in 20-25 hours and unlock the version they want.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

They should do a proper 3D remake (aka FFIV), then release the original on the VC afterwards - they will almost certainly release it on VC *after* the remake release (more easy money!).

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Soriku said:
pichu_pichu said:
I'm also hoping they release chrono trigger for the VC before this releases..


This is a port/remake...not happening. Anyway, I've been dying to play CT, so DO WANT. I hope they make some sort of Chrono Trigger 3 for Wii as well.


I want Chrono Trigger 2 first. Chrono Cross sucked and had nothing to do with CT on SNES.





Man, first the numbers, now this. It's like Nintendo fanboys put in a wire for Shiggy:

Dear Shigtang
MGS4 released
Sony fanboys uppidy
Contact Reggie
tell him to impliment plan b
sincererly, fanboys on the street
stop all

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


This is the news of the year.