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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Chrono Trigger DS confirmed real

brute said:
Soriku said:
Wait naz...GAF is saying Suikoden VI PSP isn't confirmed. Hope it's not true.

As for ToH DS, art is by Inomata! TEAM DESTINY CONFIRMED! WOO!!! :D


are suikodens good games?

Well, I never played them but from what I heard, all of the main Suikoden games sans IV are worth playing


Around the Network
brute said:
Soriku said:
Wait naz...GAF is saying Suikoden VI PSP isn't confirmed. Hope it's not true.

As for ToH DS, art is by Inomata! TEAM DESTINY CONFIRMED! WOO!!! :D


 are suikodens good games?


 Yes, besides 4 and tactics. Also Suikoden 6 for the psp is a bad idea, they should just look at how bad Suikoden 1 and 2 did on the psp.


So, the new Tales that aparently was for the PS3 turned into the DS game?

Oh man, OH MAN. This is awesome. I'm gonna leave the clock running all night.

If it's like any other re-released Square RPG then it'll be interesting to see what kind of stuff they end up adding to it. Especially for something as high profile as Chrono Trigger.


AWESOME. Very good.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

Gamertag: MrKetchup911 (Add me up)

Around the Network
Fernando said:
So, the new Tales that aparently was for the PS3 turned into the DS game?


 No idea, but did I mention Chrono Trigger is awesome?


Yes I have gone crazy in my head.


I'm shaking right now with excitement.

naznatips said:
Stats87 said:
naznatips said:
brute said:
has any other handheld ever got this many good rpg's?


I don't think any other system has gotten this many good RPGs period. Even the mighty SNES.


I'd still give the nod to the PSX

  • FF 7,8,9
  • FF Chronciles, Anthology and Origins
  • Dragon Warrior VII
  • Breath of Fire III and IV
  • Tales of Destiny 1 and 2
  • Xenogears
  • Suikoden 1 and 2
  • Star Ocean
  • Valkyrie Profile
  • Chrono Cross (or was I not supposed to say that one?)
  • Legend of Dragoon


Well, I despise FFVII and disliked everything in FFVIII except Triple Triad (played that for hours). FFIX is one of my favorite games ever, and Xenogears is in my top 10 RPGs ever, but honestly I just don't care for most of those games. Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile were decent. Chrono Cross was solid as long as you don't look at it as related to Chrono Trigger, and I like Breath of Fire IV, but none of the others... that's about it.


Yeah Triple Triad was ridiculously addictive

Well if you didn't like FF7 or FF8, then the list takes a big hit. FF9 was actually my least favorite FF ever....still great though

Xenogears is indeed amazing

I don't own a DS yet, so I cannot really comment and can only go on the game lists. The RPG's that interest me are (including ones coming out


  • World Ends with You
  • FF III and FF IV
  • Black Sigil:Blade of the Exiled
  • Dragon Quest IX
  • Dragon Quest IV,V,VI remakes
  • Tales of Hearts (even though I just heard of it)
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2

^everyone has,this is one of the biggest announcments this year

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

BCrayfish said:
Oh man, OH MAN. This is awesome. I'm gonna leave the clock running all night.

If it's like any other re-released Square RPG then it'll be interesting to see what kind of stuff they end up adding to it. Especially for something as high profile as Chrono Trigger.

Probably the same type of things as FFIVDS: 3D graphics, more fleshing out for the characters etc.