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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gears of War 2 - Best Game of all times?

OMG, no way in hell wil this be the best game ever, forgive me for being blunt. This will be just like the first one. Generic shooter that happens to do some things well, not "Best game of all time" material at all. It will do nothing extraordinary.

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Squilliam said:
In terms of achieving its goals and satisfying its userbase it will be as good/better/slightly worse than MGS4 and thats considered the best game for Sony and the PS3.

Good luck with the crapstorm coming.

Claiming a game is the best of the year even before its release is asking for a crapstorm. Even the European wii owners would probably proclaim SSBB or "Mario something else" the game of the year. Its all fanboyism! You're not immune either...neither am I even though I try to be as honest as possible.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
Squilliam said:
In terms of achieving its goals and satisfying its userbase it will be as good/better/slightly worse than MGS4 and thats considered the best game for Sony and the PS3.

Good luck with the crapstorm coming.

Claiming a game is the best of the year even before its release is asking for a crapstorm. Even the European wii owners would probably proclaim SSBB or "Mario something else" the game of the year. Its all fanboyism! You're not immune either...neither am I even though I try to be as honest as possible.


If any claim is made in this forum that puts praise individually on any console, you're going to get flak thrown. Hell im sure people could make arguments even when a game is multiplatform!



I said hardcore gamer because I play since the spectrum and own almost all consoles. I said hardcore gamer because I play lot's of games. I said hardcore gamer because I play every single day. I said hardcore gamer because I play online every day.

So don't start throwing rocks at me when I didn't offend anyone. And if i did, I apologize for that.

Anyway, Gears of War (for ME) is still the best looking game and still the one I and a lot of other people play the most (almost 2 years have passed, the game doesn't have matchmaking like HALO or COD).

So when Gears of War 2 comes out, the numbers will speak for me (and lot's of people copy games in the 360) :)

Let's wait and let the numbers do the talking :)

Sorry if I offended anyone and thanks for the ones that supported me :)

By the end of this generation in 2011 we will have:


18.890.000 + (174 x 120.000) = 39.770.000 for XBOX360
12.610.000 + (174 x 170.000) = 42.190.000 for PS3

umm... no it won't. I doubt it will even be the best-looking game of 2008 because from what I've seen, MGS4 is and R2 possibly will look better. Still, it will definitely sell many millions of copies. (though I doubt it will sell a ton of 360s because it doesn't really offer that much new from the original)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

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If Gears 2 is simply more of the same then I doubt that I'll be of the opinion that it is the best game of all time.

Great game, big fan of FPS, really exited about online, I don't know about the best game ever, Halo was revolutionary if I would put one FPS best game ever Halo would be my choice, I know there are better games know but that changed a lot of things in the console gaming

When you say 'times', do you mean as in multiple time-lines? Alternate universes? Parallel dimensions? Explain yourself.

Pristine20 said:
ChartsViewer said:

Hello people!

I would like you to discuss this :)

I know that some of you like Mario type games, I know that some of you like racer type games, I know that some of you like FPS type games, etc....

But for the hardcore gamer like me, and I think there are still plenty of them out there, Gears of War 2 it's shapping up to be one of the best games ever made, or even the best game ever! :)

What do you think folks? Please consider lasting appeal :)

What do you think? :)

Some videos:

A hardcore gamer doesn't = gamer who likes to shoot in their games.

I nkow people who would sound way more hardocre than you that only play JRPGs for example but spend upwards of 150 hours on each one trying to do everything possible.


Luckily he never said that a hardcore gamer is one who likes to shoot in their games. In fact he says nothing about what a hardcore gamer is, other than to claim he is one. It was probably easy to miss in your righteous indignation.


Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 
ChartsViewer said:

Hello people!

I would like you to discuss this :)

I know that some of you like Mario type games, I know that some of you like racer type games, I know that some of you like FPS type games, etc....

But for the hardcore gamer like me, and I think there are still plenty of them out there, Gears of War 2 it's shapping up to be one of the best games ever made, or even the best game ever! :)

What do you think folks? Please consider lasting appeal :)

What do you think? :)

Some videos:


Im a hxc gamer but I think you're a stupid kid....

Metalcore, Hardcore, Punk, Emo, Rock.