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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA sales up! X360 > Ps3

Dianko said:
I think this pretty much confirms that HD consoles need lower prices to sell. Big title after big title have come out with minimal impact on hardware sales.

Where have you been? It's pretty common knowledge that Sony didn't ship nearly enough 80 GB bundles



 Well that was supposed to be a limited edition anyway.  Does Sony really want to give away $100 (Controller and Game) of merchandise with every PS3 now?

 Really what I believe we saw the last couple of months was a slow build up of PS3 sales as GTA IV approached and followed by MGS4.  Fans of both of those series that hadnt bought a PS3 yet started jumping in and now that both have released the demand just dropped.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

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HappySqurriel said:
tombi123 said:
HappySqurriel said:

We will see what happens in a couple of weeks, but I suspect that the demand for the 80GB unit couldn't account for more than (about) 20,000 units which will diminish over time (as everyone who cares about Metal Gear Solid owns a PS3). Certainly, there will be a decent boost the next time they're available because of the build up of people waiting, but this boost will still not be that amazing.


You do know that the 70,000 80GB bundles sold out in one day don't you? The demand is way more than 20,000 units.


Just because they sold that many units on the launch day of a bundle, which happens to be the same day as the release of the biggest exclusive game for the PS3 to date (which was bundled with the console) doesn't mean that there is a sustained demand for the consoles at that rate.


Retailers said they could have sold three times as many 80GB bundles then they did. They even had a go at Sony for underestimating demand. It is clear that there was/is a higher demand for the 80GB PS3, than supply.

While hardware numbers are always nice, I'm excited to see what the hardware numbers will be. I think there will be some interesting stats. Interesting indeed!

HappySqurriel said:
MontanaHatchet said:
tombi123 said:
HappySqurriel said:

We will see what happens in a couple of weeks, but I suspect that the demand for the 80GB unit couldn't account for more than (about) 20,000 units which will diminish over time (as everyone who cares about Metal Gear Solid owns a PS3). Certainly, there will be a decent boost the next time they're available because of the build up of people waiting, but this boost will still not be that amazing.


You do know that the 70,000 80GB bundles sold out in one day don't you? The demand is way more than 20,000 units.

No, of course everyone who wants MGS4 has a PS3! And that's why the sales octupled in Japan and doubled in America. Now he may be saying that everyone who likes the game NOW has a PS3 (because of the bundles) but then again, the same could be said about the other systems. A lot of people believed that all Halo fans already owned a 360, or the same could be said about Brawl fans and the Wii.


I was actually saying that the boost in sales due to the bundle would diminish over time as people who want Metal Gear Solid 4 bought a PS3; much like all games the sales of Metal Gear Solid 4 will diminish over time.

Ail said:

The deciding factor for most people in purchasing the bundle isn't MGS4.

It's BC....... A huge majority of the people buying a PS3 at this point were PS2 owners ( I really don't think there are that many people that were hardcore enough to have a GC or an Xbox last gen  that are buying a PS3 at this time..)

Maybe, but the backwards compatibility was available on previous 80GB systems at the same price and sales were far from amazing.

If I look at past VGChartz history the 80GB was roughly 50% of the PS3 weekly sales before the holydays ( I deduce this from Motorstorm sales).

That and lets be honest, the PS3 game catalog looks nowhere the same now than it did 7 months ago.........( DMC4, GT5P, GTA4, MGS4, ...)


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:

I am not correlating the spike in sales of PS3 with MGS4 release.

I am correlating with the reintroduction of BC on the US market. ( MGS4 sure helped a little though)

You guys are underestimating how big a factor it is in the purchase of a PS3.

Even, myself, a hardcore Sony Fan Boy, I would have thought twice before buying a PS3 last october if I hadn't been able to get a 80Gb... And I know that all the people I play with in Wow currently looking for a 80Gb are first and foremost looking for BC...


 So you think the a game that sold 502k units in one week did not have a large spike on hardware? Seriously? How do you explain the sustained sales increase after the 40gb was introduced into the Others and American market?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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This thread is looking to be epic.

*grabs popcorn*

Dianko said:
I think this pretty much confirms that HD consoles need lower prices to sell. Big title after big title have come out with minimal impact on hardware sales.

Where have you been? It's pretty common knowledge that Sony didn't ship nearly enough 80 GB bundles - Sold out - Sold out - Sold out - Sold out - Sold out - Sold out

Some people are still stubbornly refusing to acknowledge there's a correlation between MGS4 and a bump in hardware sales.

The fact that most 80GB bundle sales were accounted for before they even reached store shelves, and the rest were gone by the end of June 12th seems to suggest otherwise. They only shipped about 70k bundles.

Some just wanted the 80GB model for the BC, but when you have 1.5m soft sales on opening weekend, saying that nobody bought the bundle because they also wanted the game is kidding themselves.


Also, I don't wanna say the 80gb thing is a "talking point" however it is damage control.

These numbers must exist without condition, you understand.

Otherwise, Nintendo would never have to take grief for second place sales, like it did last week, because "it is supply constrained."

Now, it obviously is supply constrained, just as the 80gb is. However, that's Sony/Nintendo's fault, and supply constrained or not, we must accept the market as it is today, in this snapshot, not on what we hope or predict, because as we've seen with week 2 MGS4/GTAIV hardware numbers, there is never telling what will or will not spike hardware sales, and for how long, for home consoles this generation.

Questions remain. Are people buying the MGS bundle for BC or MGS4? If it's for BC, then did MGS4 really move any units at all? If it's for both, will the demand be reduced once the hype for MGS4 has been killed, with sony slow to restock? Too much speculation remains around this bundle to guarntee it as a clear and decisive hardware booster once it is released, especially when we dont' know if Sony is losing more money off each one sold, and how many will ever be put into channel.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Yep. I think I will sit in the "wait for NPD" camp.

DMeisterJ said:
This thread is looking to be epic.

*grabs popcorn*

Heh, looks like I'm not the only popcorn enthusiast here. Tombi can vouch for me.

*continues to munch on some popcorn, along with DMeisterJ and Tombi*