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Also, I don't wanna say the 80gb thing is a "talking point" however it is damage control.

These numbers must exist without condition, you understand.

Otherwise, Nintendo would never have to take grief for second place sales, like it did last week, because "it is supply constrained."

Now, it obviously is supply constrained, just as the 80gb is. However, that's Sony/Nintendo's fault, and supply constrained or not, we must accept the market as it is today, in this snapshot, not on what we hope or predict, because as we've seen with week 2 MGS4/GTAIV hardware numbers, there is never telling what will or will not spike hardware sales, and for how long, for home consoles this generation.

Questions remain. Are people buying the MGS bundle for BC or MGS4? If it's for BC, then did MGS4 really move any units at all? If it's for both, will the demand be reduced once the hype for MGS4 has been killed, with sony slow to restock? Too much speculation remains around this bundle to guarntee it as a clear and decisive hardware booster once it is released, especially when we dont' know if Sony is losing more money off each one sold, and how many will ever be put into channel.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.