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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Announces Video on Demand Service coming to a PS3 near you Summer 08!!

Neither company's VOD service will ever set the world on fire, it's just a way for the console people to sell a product that they will get mostly profit from. So, it's just another incremental improvement by sony, nothing more. Still, I'm glad at all of the good news that Sony has gotten, I mean I think that the 360 blows. I haven't like the 360 since i've tried to figure out out its wacky controller and failed.

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Gamer4life said:
I thought SONY was all about blu ray. Oh well we are used to this by now. I guess they lost to the 360 in this already as 360 has had ViOD for almost a year and keeps getting better. When will PS3 ever catch up


 This is about a PSN improvement not "will the PSN catch the XBL" but congradulations you turned it into that

the other peoples post above mention the differences (which is on topic) but don't say anything about the Ps3 catching up (which is trolling)

Good stuff, taken them long enough i suppose. Only sony movies shown in those pictures, I wonder if they have signed deals with other studios yet?

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

that will be a powerful tool, b/c this will take teh bite out of the digital dl and blurray market...nice forethought sony


If they offered a VOD service with unlimited downloads for $10-15 a month I think I'd do it. Anything more than that and its not much of a deal with the online disc rentals through NetFlix and BlockBuster. With Blockbuster online I can get about 24 movies a month (if I could watch that many) and two game rentals a month for a fee of $21.65 after tax. I like the idea of VOD, but I would probably need to upgrade my internet service too.

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I guess this will be similar to other VOD offerings, meaning you have 24 hours to watch your movie before it self destructs. I hope the VOD offerings improve in the coming years as the bandwidth to the home increases. I would rather pay $5 for a blu-ray movie rental and see the movie in 1080p native plus 7.1 surround rather than pay $6 for a highly compressed video offering that expires in a day.

I'm surprised that Sony is moving in this direction. I thought MS was abandoning their service in favor of a Netflix integration.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



I wonder how well this will work if/when ISPs start setting download limits.

I am not trying to be critical, but Time Warner is already looking at billing based upon this and others are or are proposing to follow.

In other words, pay $4 to watch from the cable provider or $34 from another provider ($4 for movie, $30 for extra bandwidth).

In all, I like the idea and think it is great. I just wonder if someone will try to stop it.

Mike from Morgantown


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all cable company is a god damn monopoly, even the limiting of bandwith will piss off consumer they'll lie and say consumers loved that idea and enjoy a smoother online experience and etc.

Nice. Looking forward to having it for ps3 and pc.

Very nice, will work wonders for my Full-HD tv.

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