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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu hardware results in, PS3 big drop

Good thing is that , Playstation family leads Nintendo family this week again.

"Next Gen. doesn't start until Sony says so", and it starts with.....

Metal Gear "Solid" launch.

Quote :"Ironic isn't it? Sony charges nothing for it's service yet you don't have to deal with pop-adds. Yet xbox live charges and gives you ads that you can't close. Funny how different the west is from the east."

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I don't understand why people are so shocked..

If they looked at past trends disappointment would've been avoided.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Now that's not good . Let's see if they manage to stay over 10k for a while.

DMeisterJ said:
The PS3s last hope in Japan is a Slim-line model. Look at the wonders it did for the PSP and DS in Japan.

Take note Sony. Slimline something, and the Japanese people will snatch it up.

Any idea if it works for consoles too? Did it boost the PS2 a lot? I'm not asking it rhetorically, I honestly never looked at the data from that perspective.

Any changes in hardware (even new colors) result in a temporary boost due to people buying the new versions and selling or giving away their used consoles, but what we're looking for is the possibility of a sustained boost. Nothing else matters, one-time boosts are irrelevant.

In any case, unless a Slimline PS3 came soon, by that time the Wii would already have cemented its position as THE current-gen console in Japan.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

oh , sad new but however i enjoy that playstation brand continue to outsell nintendo familly

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NJ5 said:
DMeisterJ said:
The PS3s last hope in Japan is a Slim-line model. Look at the wonders it did for the PSP and DS in Japan.

Take note Sony. Slimline something, and the Japanese people will snatch it up.

Any idea if it works for consoles too? Did it boost the PS2 a lot? I'm not asking it rhetorically, I honestly never looked at the data from that perspective.

Any changes in hardware (even new colors) result in a temporary boost due to people buying the new versions and selling or giving away their used consoles, but what we're looking for is the possibility of a sustained boost. Nothing else matters, one-time boosts are irrelevant.

In any case, unless a Slimline PS3 came soon, by that time the Wii would already have cemented its position as THE current-gen console in Japan.


But hasn't it already?? a 3 Million lead in a small region like Japan means a cemented lead. I don't think anyone is doubting that.


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

That is a extremely misguiding comment. Nobody forced Sony to make their console expensive. And nobody forced Nintendo to make a cheap console.

True but if things were normal reusing the same technology and starting extremely cheap into the next generation would give you a huge boost in the first 1-2 years (because you are much cheaper than the competition) but it would kill you in the second half of the console life (because both prices converge in the low area and the more powerful console is still more powerful).

If Nintendo wasn't so successful with conquering casual gamers and using a new control scheme this would be the same here. The Wii would be killed once the Ps3 is at 200$. This doesn't have to happen now because the Wii has entered a new market but starting with a cheap ass console is no good thing (TM).

darthdevidem01 said:

But hasn't it already?? a 3 Million lead in a small region like Japan means a cemented lead. I don't think anyone is doubting that.


I think 3 million is not unsurmountable. The problem is that all the potential game-changers (Slimline, FFXIII) are too far away to matter.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
DMeisterJ said:
The PS3s last hope in Japan is a Slim-line model. Look at the wonders it did for the PSP and DS in Japan.

Take note Sony. Slimline something, and the Japanese people will snatch it up.

Any idea if it works for consoles too? Did it boost the PS2 a lot? I'm not asking it rhetorically, I honestly never looked at the data from that perspective.

Any changes in hardware (even new colors) result in a temporary boost due to people buying the new versions and selling or giving away their used consoles, but what we're looking for is the possibility of a sustained boost. Nothing else matters, one-time boosts are irrelevant.

In any case, unless a Slimline PS3 came soon, by that time the Wii would already have cemented its position as THE current-gen console in Japan.


Well, the PS2 was selling well always anyway, so the slimline wasn't really neccessary for sales.

But if the Slimline PS3 is accepted the way the DS Lite and the PSP Slim were, it'll be some good sustained sales for the system.  I predict that the PS3/Wii will end up like the DS/PSP with the PS3 selling much better later in it's lifetime, because of the Slim-line model, if Sony doesn't release it in the near future.

NJ5 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

But hasn't it already?? a 3 Million lead in a small region like Japan means a cemented lead. I don't think anyone is doubting that.


I think 3 million is not unsurmountable. The problem is that all the potential game-changers (Slimline, FFXIII) are too far away to matter.


but PSP proved us wrong in that matter...I mean no-ones saying PSP will catch up to DS...but a similar resurgence may be possible, we just don't know whether they are ok with 2 consoles instead of 2 handhelds.


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey