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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sweet new Wii game - MajorMinor!

I played an N64 game again today. It looked better than this. AAA Game of the Forever confeermed.

I drink your milkshake.

Around the Network

OMG it's like looking into a mirror, and then seeing a weird band behind me. But yea point still there.

I think most a y'all are missing the humor here.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

It's... colorful

GOTY confirmed,there is no denying it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Around the Network
StarcraftManiac said:
llewdebkram said:
StarcraftManiac said:

Whohooowe! Someone outdid the developers of Ninja Bread Man on this one! This is going to fry my wii... It can't handle those graphics...

New GoTY confirmed?!


Screenshots (be warned; These are ingame... NOT CGI!!!)

Thanks to Majesco games for this Wonderfully looking Wii-game... And I'm back to playing GTA4.


You can't really compare this game and GTA4, they are for two completely different markets.


One is a game made for immature game players that like to shriek and scream at the screen whilst jumping up and down excitedly as different characters and scenarious and locations are revealed throughout the game.

The other is this new game from Majesco.


WHERE THE F*CK DID I EVER COMPARE THIS TO GTA4?!... ~I said that I was back to playing GTA4 after I posted these crappy looking pics for a new Wii-game... Meant as in; I'm totlly hyped for this upcoming Wii game...

And If you don't understand what I mean by that last sentence you might as well eat yourself because then you really got a mental problem.



The entire thread was in jest and yet you decided to go psycho for what reason exactly?

To Each Man, Responsibility

Like the colors
Hate the graphics

Like the colors
Hate the graphics


 dude those graphics beat crysis how can you hate it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

ZOMG NO WAI!!! This looks beyond awesome! Day one purchase for sure... Hell I'm going to buy more than one copy! I predict 20 million copies sold on day one!!!

Awww man. I came in here expecting a Wii game based around Flameworking. But no, all I get is this awesome looking game. Psh. Oh well.

The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls.