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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 framerate ~27 FPS average.

leo-j said:
hsrob said:
People were quick to jump on Conduit a few weeks ago when they announced 30fps as their target, but it's obvious from reviews that a frame rate of ~30fps hasn't stopped alot people from enjoying the hell out of MGS IV.


 because its not 30fps, its 60fps, these people are trying to attack the game like they have been the whole week.


Please comeback with real info, your opinion doesn't count as a fact, the same goes for a reviewer opinion...

Other than that it doesn't surprise me, we are starting to see the peak of performance... (I'm not saying we are there yet), but with the budget of this game, and the result is pretty clear that is getting a little bit harder to get more out the machine...

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What the hell? Less than 30fps?

*breaks disc in half*

Screw you, Konami. Screw you guys in the butt. THE BUTT!!

Alright, this is stupid its becoming the same "MGS4 IS PRE RENDERED " argument.

Believe what you want, but I and every single owner of MGS4 know that it doesnt run at 30fps, HEAVNELY SWORD runs at 30fps, and to say that MGS4 is about as steady as GTA 4 (fps) is the same as playing MGS4 drunk and comparing it to GTA 4.


disolitude said:
LOL. Thanks for this. While this doesn't take anything away form the game and how good it is...there are lots of people on the site that pretend MGS4 shit dont stink.


Ooh yeah, you zinged those bogeyman fanboys.  MGS4, as smooth and detailed and rated 95 on metacritic as it is, just got pwned.  Please.

It's definitely lower than MGS2's but at least not as godawfull as MGS3's framerate. The animation is decent.

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DTG said:

It's definitely lower than MGS2's but at least not as godawfull as MGS3's framerate. The animation is decent.


 Not really..

Maybe because the game isnt as fast paced, but it runs the same as MGS2 on my ps3.



i dont' see any evidence against the claim, all i see is notorious PS3 fanboys on this site just saying it's wrong.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
i dont' see any evidence against the claim, all i see is notorious PS3 fanboys on this site just saying it's wrong.


 So you think this is evidence simply because some guy on neo gaff posted it?

Sure, MGS4 runs alot better than GTA 4.



I didn't notice any frame rate issues - so it doesn't matter. This is by far the smoothest game and game play I have ever played.

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leo-j said:
Alright, this is stupid its becoming the same "MGS4 IS PRE RENDERED " argument.

Believe what you want, but I and every single owner of MGS4 know that it doesnt run at 30fps, HEAVNELY SWORD runs at 30fps, and to say that MGS4 is about as steady as GTA 4 (fps) is the same as playing MGS4 drunk and comparing it to GTA 4.


Dude, I can notice when the framerate drops. Specifically one scene with Jack (can't spell the R word...oh, and not the one with the fight between him and vamp, another one), the transition wasn't very smooth when moving around. The framerate is good for most of the game, but there are parts where it drops. This is coming from a color-blind guy with horrible vision.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus