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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will the DS outsell the PS2?

Hey everyone,


do you think the Nintendo DS will have a larger userbase at the end of his lifetime than the PS2 has?

120 million PS2 are sold today, do you think, the DS can reach this number? I think the DS can make it, they sold nearly 500.000 units last week. Xmas-sales will be crazy for them.


/ discuss


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I think it depends on whether the next DS iteration is still considered a DS in sales data. If the new DS plays games that the DS phat and lite won't then it has to be counted separately and it will not reach 120 million.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

The PS2 is still selling great at its age.If the DS has not hit a wall(Japan) in other regions,then yes possibly.

the DS must be reaching saturation point soon. Ther is very little room for any more considerable growth. I would estimate that it will be in full decline within two years and therefore I would say no, it would be a "close but no cigar" case.

The PS2 will probably top at 130 million ... the DS still needs over 50 to top that ... the question is when will sales die down , and when will a new model arrive . I could see the DS selling well over 140 million , but if a next iteration arrives at a good price DS sales can die out fast , just like the sale sof the DS Phat did when the DSL hit the market ;)

Also , will Nintendo want the DS to have legs , afther they break in with the DS2 ?

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yeah i think its possible,maybe in 2 more years or 3

If sales like this continue, maybe in 2 years

If the Next Nintendo handheld doesn't come out for about 2 or 3 years, it should give the DS enough time to overtake the PS2

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

Dont think so dunno that any console will reach those sales as the ps2 has.


I Think the DS can do it.

I still have to buy one...

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