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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD is in the past, why won't you buy an Xbox 360?


Because there are other people with more pressing need than we are.

USA is probably the richest contry on earth with enough resource etc if you really put your self to it there is no way you will starve to death in the US.

In other contry, people literally stave to death and childrend die of mal nutrition.

At least he is doing something good with his billion of dollars, what have the CEO of your favorite company (hint it's the company that make PS3) done for the world? or even for the US for that matter aside from ramming blu-ray down our throat so they can own not only the movies studios but the format that they will be selling them on.

Oh and Gates and MS does spend a lot of their income on charitible at least they do here in Washington.  They provide a lot of educational funding and they also spend a lot of money for children's hospital.

People that don't buy 360 are PS / Sony fanboys that are just completely bitter because their system no longer dominated this generation.


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So if the prospect of a fully reliable 360 does not tempt you to shed some cash for a 360 then what will?

Sorry too late. The 360 and its interface is too ugly. They could have got me last year when they had a far better gaming library than the PS3. But they f**ked this up with the RRoD. Now the PS3 has GT5-p, MGS4 and a BluRay player and is not much more expensive than a comparable Elite. So its over. Besides you can "fix" problems but the 360 is still an unreliable piece of crap compared to the PS3.

For me its simple. At the time RROD contributed to my list of reasons to chose a PS3 over a 360.

Now that I have a PS3 its very unlikely I'll be getting a 360 as I don't want two HD consoles.

Another major reason for not getting a 360 on my list was that I have a decent gaming PC and the majority of 360 exclusives I was interested in where either coming to PC or I felt very likely to - that has proved true and I still have that PC (in fact i'll probably pump another 1G of memory into it soon).

So for me the 360 just doesn't offer enough to make me want to buy one now - I have a PC, PS3 and Wii so really the 360 only offers a very few additional games my existing platforms don't (or won't) cover.

I'm glad that RROD has cleared up though (assuming it has).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

So, with RRoD 'in the past', why don't I buy a 360? Here are my top ten reasons, in no particular order:

1) I don't believe RRoD is fixed.

2) It is too noisy.

3) The power brick.

4) My family uses four IDs on my PS3, and three IDs on my PCs; obviously, this costs nothing. As far as I'm aware, this would cost extra money on the 360. As I would want seperate IDs for my wife and eldest daughter at the very least, this is unacceptable to me.

5) For what it is, the 360 costs too much when all the features I would want are added. Another PC is a better option. I have 4 already, but another would not go amiss.

6) I dislike the 360's closed architecture, meaning everything must be vetted by Microsoft to hit the machine. This allows them to do things like charge for themes or gimp games that traditionally rely on the modding community, such as UT3.

7) I see no reason to pay to play online. My PCs have better online features and are free online. My PS3 has worse online functions (but still more adequate for the job, and apparently getting better) and is free online. With that in mind, why would I buy a machine where a service that should be free costs money?

8) There are no exclusives on 360 I want to play. I have a PS3 and new PC, and they provide access to every game I currently want to play (or will very soon), excepting Nintendo exclusives (making a Wii look like a potential future purchase for me). I'm not a child without any patience (unlike my daughters; but, the 360 offers nothing they want); I can wait a few months for timed exclusives and the like. Further on this, the string of exclusives on the platforms I own dwarf the 360-only exclusive list in terms of variety and what interests me.

9) I have no real desire to have another gaming money-sink; the PC and PS3 drains enough of my cash as it is. For the record, this is one of the primary reasons why I've not bought a Wii yet.

10) And, finally, I dislike Microsoft's monopolistic business practices, many of which have been shown to be very illegal (just take the anti-trust problems in Europe as a single example, where MS have been fined €1.68 billion so far). Yes, I may use some Microsoft products, and I may enjoy their use, but that does not mean I will go out of my way to buy more when I look at MS as a whole and dislike what I see. And, yes, for those keen to argue, Sony may also have its own dark recesses, but to my eyes these are almost entirely obscured by the long shadow cast my Microsoft (but only if one is in the business of making comparisons about such things).

Now, for some, those reasons may not seem valid, but the OP asked for individual opinions, and these are mine. To provide the counterpoint, I can currently see one clear reason to buy a 360:

1) Some friends and my brother own one, and I could play with them.

However, I have other friends on PS3 and PC, so my gaming needs are largely met, leaving that reason a little bit weak; further, it is utterly outweighed by the reasons I don't buy a 360.

Now, of the reasons I list, most could be counteracted by a better 360 (quieter, free online, unlimited free IDs, included internal extras -- such as power brick and wireless -- realistically priced HDDs, etc); however, I'm not expecting that to happen any time soon, if ever. However, if it does, I'll probably buy one. Then, the positives will outweight the negatives.

I already have one.

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Why is the rrod a reason to not buy the system? I can see it pushing you more towards the PS3 if most of the games you want are multiplatform I suppose, but flat out refusing to get it makes no sense to me. You are essentially choosing to never play the games you want because there is a chance at some point you won't be able to play the games you want for less than a month tops. I just don't get it. Back when it wasn't covered under a billion year warranty I could kinda see it, but that hasn't been true for a long long time. Can someone explain the logic to me? Is it just the old "nothing I pay for should ever break," mantra?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

because there is a chance at some point you won't be able to play the games you want for less than a month tops.

Americans really have no problem with crappy hardware. Always amazes me. Apart from the inconvenience you know there is a time after the warranty expires. The warranty period may be longer now and even longer for the specific RRoD problem but I still won't buy an electronic device that will definitely crap out after the warranty expires. But in the end I just don't like being sold crap that is intended to fail.
Besides with the heavy emphasis on multiplatform this gen its more a question of PS3 OR 360.

RROD is in the past? Friend of mine has already their fifth Xbox, another has just bought the box and is it already dead. MS is clever at marketing and knows how to hold the xbox-desaster at a a minimum in the press. but it is as bad as ever!

I would of bought a 360 this gen but i'm not paying $400 a gen to play online games, plus the interface is really messy and its hard to find what i want on the 360.

ive had a 360 from launch, and im on my 5th console. 2 were purchases and 3 were returns. but i still like it very much.

RROD isnt in the past at all its still prevelant here and there, if this one goes after the 12 month warranty i wont buy another. my ps3 im on my 2nd, the bluray drive stopped reading discs on the launch 60gig i had, but everything ok so far.

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