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Because there are other people with more pressing need than we are.

USA is probably the richest contry on earth with enough resource etc if you really put your self to it there is no way you will starve to death in the US.

In other contry, people literally stave to death and childrend die of mal nutrition.

At least he is doing something good with his billion of dollars, what have the CEO of your favorite company (hint it's the company that make PS3) done for the world? or even for the US for that matter aside from ramming blu-ray down our throat so they can own not only the movies studios but the format that they will be selling them on.

Oh and Gates and MS does spend a lot of their income on charitible at least they do here in Washington.  They provide a lot of educational funding and they also spend a lot of money for children's hospital.

People that don't buy 360 are PS / Sony fanboys that are just completely bitter because their system no longer dominated this generation.