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For me its simple. At the time RROD contributed to my list of reasons to chose a PS3 over a 360.

Now that I have a PS3 its very unlikely I'll be getting a 360 as I don't want two HD consoles.

Another major reason for not getting a 360 on my list was that I have a decent gaming PC and the majority of 360 exclusives I was interested in where either coming to PC or I felt very likely to - that has proved true and I still have that PC (in fact i'll probably pump another 1G of memory into it soon).

So for me the 360 just doesn't offer enough to make me want to buy one now - I have a PC, PS3 and Wii so really the 360 only offers a very few additional games my existing platforms don't (or won't) cover.

I'm glad that RROD has cleared up though (assuming it has).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...