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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why are console games so much more expensive than PC games?

brute said:
here were i live their the same price as wii games

A lot of wii games are overpriced.


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Perhaps because PC games are the easiest to pirate, so they need to offer a more attractive price to keep the players on the right side of their wallets.
Console games are easier to rent.


cwbys21 said:
They are higher priced because of the licensing fee to Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft and hawkeye, your friend probably figured you would be buying your computer prebuilt (though Dell or HP) and thus 800 wouldn't get you that great of a computer. build it yourself and you can get a great computer for a good price.

Yeah, I was going to buy an $800 dell gaming PC and he said I would need a $2000 pc... come to think of it, he was probably making fun of me since I don't know how to build computers.


JaggedSac said:
Oh no, not the damn pc cost vs console cost thing again. Perhaps they should just go ahead and put those damn stupid charts with Crysis running on a $200 machine the home page., because I have a feeling someone is going to bust them out. PC games are cheaper because they dont sell as much.

No, they're cheaper because they:

- They are cheaper to develop

- They don't need to pay for licenses to console makers

- They don't need to give a fee to console makers for every copy sold

- They don't need as much advertisement

- They are released on digital distribution

- They keep selling for years

- There's heavier competition on PC than on Consoles

The PC vs. Console cost debate is indeed a fairly dumb one, because of two things:

a) When you say an $800 PC can run Specific Game A, do you mean you can buy a PC for $800, or you can build a PC for $800? They're two very, very different things.

b) Does anyone really only buy a PC for games? I own a $2200 MacBook Pro, and it's barely a gaming machine--on my last two computers (covering the last four year), I've played 3 video games on them. One more will be added to that list with the release of Spore, but in general I own a computer for a million reasons, whereas I own a console primarily for one reason: gaming (and no, that wouldn't change if I owned a different system--I can't do word processing, use spreadsheets and video edit on a PS3).

Comparing the prices of one versus the other is comparing apples and oranges. Games themselves, sure, but there are too many variables in computer ownership for a direct comparison to work at all.

My consoles and the fates they suffered:

Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

A more detailed history appears on my profile.

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Well duh, PCs do infinitely more than console videogame systems like the 360 and PS3...but console owners don't like to hear that.

They assume my $800 is strictly for the gaming portion of my PC, when of course I use it for endless amounts of applications.

And of course my $800 PC is custom built. If we are talking about buying computers from Dell or something similar...of course a good gaming PC that can handle a game like Crysis would cost $ retailers overcharge for every little thing once you get past basic models.

If you're buying an average PC simply for home/office use, you can buy a Dell and not get ripped off...they typically come with monitors and you'll get a good deal overall...a $500 PC from Dell is going to be near $500 custom built as well after buying a monitor.

If you're building a high performance gaming rig, there's no question. You must custom build it or you'll pay much more than you need to.

My advice: pay a friend to hook you up with the right parts and teach you how to put a PC'll save you over a thousand bucks.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I dont really notice a difference, I usually pay about $60 a pc game and $40(Wii) to $65(PS3) for console.

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

Finnbar said:
I dont really notice a difference, I usually pay about $60 a pc game and $40(Wii) to $65(PS3) for console.


 really?where do you live?

around me its 50 for pc 50 for wii and 60 for ps3/360

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

PC games are cheaper because the developers don't have to optimize the game nearly as much. Meaning they are not limited by one specification, if they want to use more power they can, they don't have to begin compressing stuff, or lowering quality.

Username2324 said:
PC games are cheaper because the developers don't have to optimize the game nearly as much. Meaning they are not limited by one specification, if they want to use more power they can, they don't have to begin compressing stuff, or lowering quality.


Errr, Blizzard, Valve, The Assembly team, etc, all of them try to optimize the code as much as posible since the PCs are made by multiple combinations of ram, cpus and graphics cards...

Is cheaper due to the inexpensive requeriments to build a game, you don't need dev kits, or especial training to start with it, and since you don't have to change of plataform every five years or for the next tittle, you can keep some things with the time and eventually start to replace them...

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