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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Entertainment Weekly's Top 50 Games of the Last 25 Years

Not putting MGS4 on that list is pathetic.


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I see a list of a bunch of games, what exactly does this list mean?

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largedarryl said:
That list is pretty crappy. It includes a lot of games from the last 3 years, and it clearly includes a meh Final Fantasy title (FF3 on NES is not a great game, although if I understood Japanese it might be better), also TESIV is one of the worst TES games.

This list also does not include many genre defining games, since this is the last 25 years, where are games like Fallout(1 or 2), FF:Tactics(any), Fire Emblem (pick one), Ogre Battle(SNES one), and no Smash Brothers(despite there being 3 mediocre 1on1 fighters).

I could obviously go on all day, but this list is pretty bad.

How can you say this list is missing genre defining games and then question how Street Fighter II, the most influential fighting game ever made the list and a game that defined nothing, the Smash Bros. series, was left out?

Also I love TBS RPGs too, but expecting a top 50 list to contain oodles of them is just rediculous. It's a niche genre that appeals to very few people. You may also notice there are no SHMUPs on that list.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Onyxmeth said:
largedarryl said:
That list is pretty crappy. It includes a lot of games from the last 3 years, and it clearly includes a meh Final Fantasy title (FF3 on NES is not a great game, although if I understood Japanese it might be better), also TESIV is one of the worst TES games.

This list also does not include many genre defining games, since this is the last 25 years, where are games like Fallout(1 or 2), FF:Tactics(any), Fire Emblem (pick one), Ogre Battle(SNES one), and no Smash Brothers(despite there being 3 mediocre 1on1 fighters).

I could obviously go on all day, but this list is pretty bad.

How can you say this list is missing genre defining games and then question how Street Fighter II, the most influential fighting game ever made the list and a game that defined nothing, the Smash Bros. series, was left out?

Also I love TBS RPGs too, but expecting a top 50 list to contain oodles of them is just rediculous. It's a niche genre that appeals to very few people. You may also notice there are no SHMUPs on that list.

I believe that SF2 deserves to be on the list, but there are more fighters on that list besided SF2.


Oblivion deserves to top that list. But at least it's there...

Delete Gers of war, godofwar and a couple of the Marios and it's a decent list overall.

But why no Age of Empires??

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Well it isn't a terrible list.  Seems like for the most part they are taking one game per franchise per era (2 FF games, 2 mario platformers, 2 metroid games).  Surprised at no Fallout games, no Baldur's Gate games.  I would have put System Shock 2 instead of Bioshock.  Goldeneye is way too high as is Halo.  I'd have put Mario 64 instead of Galaxy.  GTA3 or Vice City over IV.  I could probably keep going on, but I'll just stop.

leo-j said:
Not putting MGS4 on that list is pathetic.

I don't see on what merit MGS4 could be on the list if you don't put MGS3 on it. MGS3 introduced way more gameplay features than 4. (wound healing, camouflage meter...)


The biggest sham on this list in my opinion is Guitar Hero at #5...come on, seriously??!?

Gears of War was way too high, and Super Metroid was way too low. And you cannot tell me that ANY edition of Madden, let alone 2005, is better than Mario 64, Super Mario Bros., and A Link to the Past.

Lemmings should be on there somewhere.

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This list is amazing, just because it's the best I've ever seen. It's still crap, but damn, I'm impressed.

Here are my grievances:

StarCraft should be higher.
Replace GTA4 with Katamari Damacy.
Replace Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time with the original Prince of Persia.
Replace Halo with Portal.
Replace Tomb Raider with Beyond Good and Evil.

EDIT: Oops, and replace Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo with Lemmings.