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Forums - Website Topics - We need changes here - Fanboy threads/personal attacks OUT OF CONTROL

Arguing back and forth and presence of fanboys is an inevitability considering the subject of the site. You can't catch all of them, and throwing around bans every time a discussion gets heated would be nothing but counterproductive.

That said, I think the staff could and should take a page from other such forums and not be so forgiving of consistently obnoxious posters, of whom there are MANY on this site. Someone mentioned a certain poster who I have to agree, is a perfect example. Over 5000 posts in 6 months, multiple temporary bans from which he returns with zero change in attitude, and maybe only a quarter of the posts I see of his are civil. Hell, I barely even post here, and yet I've managed to incur his seething wrath twice.

People who behave like that usually end up in prison out in the world, and get the online equivalent in the form of a permaban from most forums, and for good reason.

Realize that there are at least a few professionals who come here and the tone of the forums is so outrageously obnoxious that they tend to be avoided altogether whereas posting might otherwise occur more often. And in many cases, that tone ends up being set by the same few names.

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Squilliam said:

Sorry this is long and thanks for your time.


 your right, it was long. I didn't get through it.

okr said:
I couldn´t agree more with Weezy and WoW.

And one more thing: Please never make Zen a mod on this site. He´d be a judge, not a mod.


lol. I agree with them as well.

I've never been attacked by a fanboy without the argument ending with the fanboy wishing like hell that they didn't attack me.

In a way, I actually enjoy it. Personal attacks are so easy to dissect. Levying a personal attack pretty much means you've already lost the argument. I welcome them because the person you are arguing with not only gets banned, but it is also clear that fanboys got owned in said argument.

I'm all about some fanboys getting owned.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


@Griffin: You're not in a position to ask about modship. After being banned many times I'd doubt you have a chance.

It would be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the mod team to appoint you like a mod.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

trestres said:
@Griffin: You're not in a position to ask about modship. After being banned many times I'd doubt you have a chance.

It would be one of the greatest mistakes ever made by the mod team to appoint you like a mod.


I know i don't have a chance because certain mods hate me and it will always be that way.  But i have only received a couple bans with this account, i just never explained my point very well and the mods think i'm trying to start shit, so they give me a ban. 

And i don't see how making me a mod would be a big mistake, you guys seem to think i'm some really bad poster or something.

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@Griffin: No, but you are very biased or at least you were in the past.
IMO the mod team is alright now the way it is. It's balanced and I don't think everything is getting out of control to get more mods all of a sudden.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

I"m all for pushing the "ignore key", which is right below the "troll" key and just above the "cry" key, but many people don't seem to know how to use it.

The problem as i see it, which someone already stated, is people keeping these crap threads alive by criticising the OP. If 10 people go in there to tell the OP he/she is a troll, it keeps the thread on the front page long enough that someone is bound to take the bait.

One of the things about VG I like is that the mods tend to be fairly forgiving - I won't be happy if this changes, and it turns into a "no tolerance", "one strike and you are out" policy - but maybe that is what is needed.

Maybe we should be dishing out "1 day" bans (warnings) for any (obvious) trolling behaviour - then after a couple hundred people get banned in a day or two, behaviour will change...


I also agree with @hsrob - people need to stop feeding the trolls. If you see trolling occuring - just report it, but do NOT feed the trolls (just ignore the post completely).

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shams said:

Maybe we should be dishing out "1 day" bans (warnings) for any (obvious) trolling behaviour - then after a couple hundred people get banned in a day or two, behaviour will change...

That would be excellent. Please let us know when that day is about to occur so I can mark it on my calendar.

starcraft said:
Squilliam said:
If I was a moderator all I'd have to do is ban Starcraft - instant respect. I bet a lot of people think we're lovers or something. :)

I nominate NJ5 - I think he'd be a good mod. Shio/Sqrl are also very good and very even handed. There are a few more, but they come to mind first. Oh yea Epsilon! That cat is so full of win it'd scare the trolls away.


But funny because its true.

Rightly or wrongly, if a mod permabanned me the Sony fanboys would love them for life.



Oh yes we would. ;) Jk, jk.


Anyway, I think I have to agree with Million. Even if these threads are like cancer, it's a forum for such discussions. I don't think the members represent the site so much as the people who manage and maintain the site. Having something like this in the news for example I don't think would be such a good idea. The forum though is probably not as much of an issue. I do agree these threads are not a good thing though. :/

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus