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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Average Gamer dosent care for JRPG's?

memory2zack said:
Sky Render said:
You can do a Japanese-style RPG in a fashion that could appeal to a wider array of people. The main points are to simplify the gameplay enough that it doesn't scare off potential players (but remains deep enough to satisfy the less picky of the dedicated RPG fanbase), format the story progression into relatively short missions or chapters, and give the game an appropriate advertising campaign to reach out to other audiences. I can think of a few JRPGs that did the first two (Legend of Mana, Final Fantasy X-2), many that at least do one of the three, but none that have done all three points.


It´s extremely difficult to find a balance between average gamer and core gamer. There will always be a big portion from each side that will be unsatisfied by the RPG that tries this. What developers should aim is make RPG fans happy, invest in that and try to correctly promote their games. As for the average gamer, honestly, who cares? It´s not their type of game, there are so many other genres more appropriate for them. I mean, the average tabletop gamer doesn´t play D&D and other P&P RPGs. RPGs won´t die off because they can´t appeal to a wide audience, there will always be a big userbase of RPG fans that will play them.

The problem is....Namco and Konami don't promote their RPGs well


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"The Average Gamer doesnt care for JRPG's?"
I certainly don't and I consider myself hardcore. I've got my holidays now, and my main occupation is gaming.
I cared for Pokemon when I was younger, but I can't sit with a pokemon game nowadays for more than 10 minutes or I will start ripping apart the game.
Not to say I don't like RPG's, the KoToR games were awesome, loved The Witcher and right now I spend all my time on Guild Wars (best online RPG IMO), but after having a time with watching anime and reading manga, I was ready to puke. So naturally I stopped. Everything just became so ... I don't know how to describe it, it started feeling like, when you've tried one you've tried them all.

I really don't care for JRPG's, but I like Western RPG's.

Honestly, RPGs, all of em, just bore me to death.... gimme the guns, the gore, the graphics, the.... (j/k)

Seriously though, I find most RPGs very boring, but not for the reasons above...

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Actually western RPGs like Mass Effect, Oblivion, Diablo and a few JRPGs Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Zelda sell well in the US and Europe. What MS seems to be doing is trying to expand this market and convince PC gamers to pick up a 360. It makes sense when you look at the European market which is heavily PC dominated.

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Most JRPGs are too similar, and too long to attract most gamers. Some, like my wife, play RPGs and nothing else, and many gamers will play a JRPG or two (like FF), but I find very few who will invest themselves in playing them extensively.

I care for some JRPG's and I always want to hear the latest news for them.

My favorite games are turn based rpgs in the way you described. I love them, and I also love when I finished them, and it feels so satisfying. I guess they are really similar, but I think its fun. I guess everybody is different.

shio said:
mrstickball said:
There are 2 crowds that like RPGs:

Japanese core gamers (for JRPGs)
Western PC gamers

Outside of that, they're not very common, or casual. I had a very small group of friends that enjoyed JRPGs where I lived (SNES days), and was very rare to converse with people that liked them.

Likewise, PC RPGs were the same way for me - very niche, and not everyone played. With the advent of the internet, hardcore groups (such as RPG gamers) tend to congregate more than you'd think in real life. Fact is, I don't meet a ton of gamers that go ga-ga over Oblivion, Mass Effect, or a JRPG like Star Ocean, or Tales.

Almost. Today there are 3 hardcore RPG groups:

Japanese core gamers - JRPGs.
Western PC gamers -  WRPGs.
Continental Asian PC gamers - MMORPGs.

The first 2 groups are sort of stale: the japanese crowd can only increase to a point, so the sales are barely doing better than 5 years ago; While part of the western PC crowd has been taken away by MMORPGs, so WRPGs are in the same situation as JRPGs though the western crowd itself has increased (if we take MMORPGs into account).

The third group just exploded! With Lineage I & II and ultimately World of Warcraft, they easily taken themselves as the biggest hardcore RPG crowd out of the 3. We can argue that the MMORPG crowd is more global but there is no denying that the bulk of MMORPG lovers is in Continental Asia (China + South Korea = mind-blown)

Um I like all rpgs. So what group do I fit in?


flagship said:
Actually western RPGs like Mass Effect, Oblivion, Diablo and a few JRPGs Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Zelda sell well in the US and Europe. What MS seems to be doing is trying to expand this market and convince PC gamers to pick up a 360. It makes sense when you look at the European market which is heavily PC dominated.


Um zelda's not an rpg.