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Forums - General Discussion - HD-DVD Claims 60% of Dedicated Players...

These numbers don't include PS3's, which they don't consider to be a "standalone player".

By the way, even with all the promotions and pricecutting, Toshiba just downgraded their sales forecast for HD-DVD players sold this year from 1.8 million to 1 million. A decrease of 44%.

I wouldn't put any money into HD-DVD.

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By the way the BR camp seem to be cutting costs way faster than Toshiba .They have lowered the price of the BR standalone players in 500$ while Toshiba has only managed 200$ as price cut .If things continue that way BR will be cheaper and better .Right now the movies are already cheaper than HD-DVD ones in most places .

Don't DVD players do at least double that in a month as in at least 2 million a month just seems to me that this format war will continue at minimum at least 3-4 more years before you can even have the HDTV saturation to maintain it then you have to start convincing people that they need it which is going to take at least another 3-4 and by that time if it took 10 years to come up with a better alternative to DVD down from 20 for VHS how long is it really expected for blu-ray to be around just speculation.

Dallinor said:
Pk9394 said:
I think you can get the lowest HD DVD player for $250 range now, just check some hot deal site.

anyway like bulletstopper say, there is really no difference between HD format and regular DVD on a standard tube screen TV. to really tell the difference you'll need a 50" screen or bigger. I tested this out with my cousin's ps3 with my 50" plasma (only support upto 1080i) and with my cousin's 56" DLP screen(support 1080p). when hooked on STD T.V we cant hardly tell the difference, then hooked on to those two big TV we start see a some difference in picture quality but that increase in little quality doesnt justify the price jump of purchasing a 50" TV and a HD or Blue ray Player.

oh we test it on a 37" LCD TV too, as it come out. we can hardly tell the difference.

This format war is so much different from DVD, people dont have to buy a new TV to experience these new format, but now they need to buy a big TV to experience these new format. and space is another constraint consumer having. 50" plasma or LCD isnt small!!!!!

The HD DVD players for $250 don't give a great picture quality. You need to buy a $400 one for it to deliver the goods.

This is just a woeful effort to twist numbers. So they sold 60% of the stand alone players with a year's headstart against blu ray. Yet had we checked that figure a month ago, they probably had 65% of the standalone player market.

So then, after excluding the PS3 numbers from the first statistic, they then seem to go full loop, and include the PS3 numbers for their second statistic, in an effort to make the attach rate look better.


I wasnt doing the comparison with a HD DVD player, was doing comparison using the ps3 running a blue ray movie on different TVs and running the same movie on a DVD on those same TVs.

I havent tried HD DVD comparison because I dont own any HD DVD players.

one thing though, the avg joe dont care much about which players have better quality, the only thing they'll notice is the $200 price mark compare to the $499 price mark, of course for tech geeks, we know the $200 model got avg quality compare to$300 model HD DVD players.

Toshiba lowers its U.S. sales targets:

It looks like the lower price of the Toshiba HD-A2 isn't moving as many players as Toshiba would like. They adjusted their predictions down from 1.8 million to 1.0 million for 2007 AMIDST one of the largest player sales they have had. I sincerely doubt they will even meet that. They haven't managed to sell over 200,000 standalones yet.


Edit:  Sorry, hadn't noticed someone posted this article. 

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

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Of course there are more HD DVD players out there if you don't count the PS3, because the HD DVD players have been out longer.

That 60% is gonna get smaller and smaller as time goes and the sales of Blu Ray beat HD DVD.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Dallinor said:
Pk9394 said:
I think you can get the lowest HD DVD player for $250 range now, just check some hot deal site.

anyway like bulletstopper say, there is really no difference between HD format and regular DVD on a standard tube screen TV. to really tell the difference you'll need a 50" screen or bigger. I tested this out with my cousin's ps3 with my 50" plasma (only support upto 1080i) and with my cousin's 56" DLP screen(support 1080p). when hooked on STD T.V we cant hardly tell the difference, then hooked on to those two big TV we start see a some difference in picture quality but that increase in little quality doesnt justify the price jump of purchasing a 50" TV and a HD or Blue ray Player.

oh we test it on a 37" LCD TV too, as it come out. we can hardly tell the difference.

This format war is so much different from DVD, people dont have to buy a new TV to experience these new format, but now they need to buy a big TV to experience these new format. and space is another constraint consumer having. 50" plasma or LCD isnt small!!!!!

The HD DVD players for $250 don't give a great picture quality. You need to buy a $400 one for it to deliver the goods.

This is just a woeful effort to twist numbers. So they sold 60% of the stand alone players with a year's headstart against blu ray. Yet had we checked that figure a month ago, they probably had 65% of the standalone player market.

So then, after excluding the PS3 numbers from the first statistic, they then seem to go full loop, and include the PS3 numbers for their second statistic, in an effort to make the attach rate look better.


The $250 players are $400 players their discounted, and they do give great picture quality.

They only had about a 2 to 3 month head start not a year.

They exclude the PS3 because its a GAME MACHINE not a standalone player. People did not buy a PS3 for bluray they bought it for games if they say otherwise they are either lying or they are ignorant. They include the PS3 #s in the second statistic to prove that alot of PS3 owners just arent buying that many movies. 


nathantay said:


They exclude the PS3 because its a GAME MACHINE not a standalone player. People did not buy a PS3 for bluray they bought it for games if they say otherwise they are either lying or they are ignorant. They include the PS3 #s in the second statistic to prove that alot of PS3 owners just arent buying that many movies.

LOL they include only when it favor them.

 Go to avs forums, alot of those guys got a PS3 just to watch BR movies so there goes the ignorance and lying.



Blue3 said:
nathantay said:


They exclude the PS3 because its a GAME MACHINE not a standalone player. People did not buy a PS3 for bluray they bought it for games if they say otherwise they are either lying or they are ignorant. They include the PS3 #s in the second statistic to prove that alot of PS3 owners just arent buying that many movies.

LOL they include only when it favor them.

 Go to avs forums, alot of those guys got a PS3 just to watch BR movies so there goes the ignorance and lying.

You mean alot of guys that have no good games to play on their PS3 go to avs forums and say they bought it for a bluray player.




It will be an interesting format race.