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Forums - General Discussion - So what's the deal with Lightsabers?

That Guy said:
no. I own a Wii, by the way.

I'm just interested in the fascination many nerds have about lightsabers.

I have the same fascination with lightsabers myself, but I never stopped to think about why everyone likes them so much.


You can't really analyze why people think things are awesome, unless you can identify personal issues as reasons, but I don't think that's the case here.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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I'm not really even into Star Wars (have yet to see Revenge of the Sith), and I think light sabers are the coolest weapons ever imagined.

MontanaHatchet said:

"What is the deal with lightsabers?!!! I mean, are they lights or are they sabers? And how come there are no yellow lightsabers?!!!!!!!"


Quigon called dibs on the last one, sorry =P

To Each Man, Responsibility

What's wrong with you, how can you not love lightsabers, they are awesome!

LordTheNightKnight said:
That Guy said:
no. I own a Wii, by the way.

I'm just interested in the fascination many nerds have about lightsabers.

I have the same fascination with lightsabers myself, but I never stopped to think about why everyone likes them so much.


You can't really analyze why people think things are awesome, unless you can identify personal issues as reasons, but I don't think that's the case here.


I think you sort of can. The lightsaber is loved by millions upon millions of people and the reason can probably be more articulate than just "they are cool"

I think it sort of has to do with the role swords have played in history and the fantasy that's built up around that. Its sort of like the 6 shooter in westerns.

Basically Lucas made a sword on steroids an called it a lightsaber. Why the idea of a glowing sword lightsaber thing has maintained its popularity, i don't know. Star Wars obviously helps to keep it popular, but then again no one loves the blaster as much as they do the lightsaber.

The same can be said of Jedi, as well. They hold the same mystique as Samurai or Bushi of Feudal Japan, IMO.


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Because they're like swords but even better! They glow in different colors, they can cut anything really, they make awesome sounds and they just make you look totally badass.

Who wouldn't want something like that?

That Guy said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
That Guy said:
no. I own a Wii, by the way.

I'm just interested in the fascination many nerds have about lightsabers.

I have the same fascination with lightsabers myself, but I never stopped to think about why everyone likes them so much.


You can't really analyze why people think things are awesome, unless you can identify personal issues as reasons, but I don't think that's the case here.


I think you sort of can. The lightsaber is loved by millions upon millions of people and the reason can probably be more articulate than just "they are cool"

I think it sort of has to do with the role swords have played in history and the fantasy that's built up around that. Its sort of like the 6 shooter in westerns.

Basically Lucas made a sword on steroids an called it a lightsaber. Why the idea of a glowing sword lightsaber thing has maintained its popularity, i don't know. Star Wars obviously helps to keep it popular, but then again no one loves the blaster as much as they do the lightsaber.

The same can be said of Jedi, as well. They hold the same mystique as Samurai or Bushi of Feudal Japan, IMO.



Blasters aren't as 1337 as lightsabers cause even imperial cannon fodder has them, as do countless other sci-fi films.

I think I'm on to something there. Even up until recently, the Japanese felt that guns were crap and that their fighting spirit (not that they believe in "the force," but rather their will to fight and win was greater than the will of their enemies) would overcome any sort of technological disadvantage.

Even when the gun was introduced, many Japanese stuck to their swords, (and probably because early guns were crap at the time, too. Powder gets wet, rifles took too long to load, etc. etc.) and there are legends/stories/what-not that their swords could cut through like anything if the sword and the swordsman was good enough.

I think Star Wars put that idea on steroids and literally made a glowing sword and instead of a Samurai's Swordsman Spirit, Lucas created "the force". Swordsman who were fast and good enough would be able to overcome guns and deflect/dodge bullets and whatever. Likewise Jedi can do the same if they were in tune with the force.

that's what I think at least.

Lightsabers are sweet.


lightsabers FTW!!!!


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