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I think I'm on to something there. Even up until recently, the Japanese felt that guns were crap and that their fighting spirit (not that they believe in "the force," but rather their will to fight and win was greater than the will of their enemies) would overcome any sort of technological disadvantage.

Even when the gun was introduced, many Japanese stuck to their swords, (and probably because early guns were crap at the time, too. Powder gets wet, rifles took too long to load, etc. etc.) and there are legends/stories/what-not that their swords could cut through like anything if the sword and the swordsman was good enough.

I think Star Wars put that idea on steroids and literally made a glowing sword and instead of a Samurai's Swordsman Spirit, Lucas created "the force". Swordsman who were fast and good enough would be able to overcome guns and deflect/dodge bullets and whatever. Likewise Jedi can do the same if they were in tune with the force.

that's what I think at least.