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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - gameplayer was@Too Human event lastnight(Too Human might turn out like Haze

starcraft said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:

TH has been hyped way more by 360 fans than Haze was by PS3 fans. TH appears high on lists of OMG AAA upcoming game lists all the time, while Haze never was included among top upcoming PS3 games like FFXIII, GoW, MGS4.

Distinguish between market-wide buzz and hype generated by a select group of fans, and your confusion will disolve.

Thats crap.  Too Human is just one of many 360 RPG's.  When Haze was first announced it was going to be out in 2007.  When it went "exclusive" awareness of the title positively skyrocketed. 

All of a sudden PS3 fans had a shooter that was going to be so good Sony paid Ubisoft for it to be exclusive.  Then five months behind schedule the PS3 gets Lair 2.

Its too late to change history.


unless 360 gets some of the goodness of Haze by end of the year ;).I really want them to experience this AAA title





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@ Starcraft


Haze is no "Lair 2". I seriously fail to see where Haze was hyped. I thought it was an under the radar game, especially after the delay until May.

After it didn't come out in 2007, it was officially off of my radar, and I knew things were ominous.

Lair was hyped infinitely, and was bad.

And Haze wasn't Lair bad, not at all. Haze was very mediocre, and Lair was just plain horrible. I fail to see how you can continue to draw allusions between the two where they have as much in common as a Pinto and a Mercedes-Benz

SpartanFX said:

lool,,why ?he is not the creator of Too Human,,, is he?he is just a fan of the game

How can I be a fan of a game that hasn't been released yet?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

DMeisterJ said:
@ Starcraft


Haze is no "Lair 2". I seriously fail to see where Haze was hyped. I thought it was an under the radar game, especially after the delay until May.

After it didn't come out in 2007, it was officially off of my radar, and I knew things were ominous.

Lair was hyped infinitely, and was bad.

And Haze wasn't Lair bad, not at all. Haze was very mediocre, and Lair was just plain horrible. I fail to see how you can continue to draw allusions between the two where they have as much in common as a Pinto and a Mercedes-Benz

When two different cars crash the wreckage looks the same.

Btw.  Which one of these masterpieces were you comparing to a Mercedes-Benz?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

kn said:
steverhcp02 said:
This game has all the tell tale signs of failure. Lack of info after showing in game playable stuff. Countless delays spanning multiple systems. Drama between Epic and SK playing a finger pointing game, shows frustration on SK end. Sure you can say they switched engines, yadayadayada but this game is going to flop.

Regardless of trying to point out the tiniest bit of "cherry picking" or some other idiot 4 year old phrase, step back and just accept this game has a 5% chance of being good based on everything thats happened in its lifetime.


Wow, you are an inspiration to those of us that actually wait until a game is released to be 95% sure the game is good or not. Would you mind going through the catalog of future 360, PS3, and Wii games and let us all know which onces are going to be good since you have a 95% confidence ratio on games that haven't been released yet? It will save me a lot of time. Thanks.


i love how you ignore all of the substance in my post and bold the one smart ass sensationalistic thing i said and act like thats my entire post. nicely done.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
Too Human will turn out like Lair. Epic failure.

Man, do you realize that everybody dislikes you, even Sony fanboys, because you make them look bad.

What kind of human being wants a game to flop just because it's not on their console?

....sigh, I'm an idiot for asking that question, aren't I?


 lol wrong! i do not dislike him one bit he is very funny to me his post are just soooo over the top sometimes it makes me laugh

well they still have time to fix it up a bit,but not too much time,also havent they worked on this for like 10 years?if so it will be a shame if it doesnt turn out good

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I guess PS3 fanboy's must have put this on their calendar waiting to poke fun at it. I guess even after being out a year longer and having waay more games 360 "might" actually get a game like LAIR and Haze.

I don't think this game will fail.

It looks good, it's by a respectable dev, it's got lots of money behind it and it's been in development for frikin ages.

I don't think they would still be working on the game if they thought it was rubbish.

^that was the same thing with lair and haze,they looked good they had a respectable dev behind them and we know what happened

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"