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Forums - Sony Discussion - New PS3 commercial

From ABobrik87 of Youtube:

"It's from Henry V, and it is the St. Crispin's Day speech, said by Henry right before the battle between the English and French is about to begin. In the original text, it finishes with "Upon St. Crispin's Day" instead of "Upon this day"; I assume they didn't think anyone would recognize the original text."

He goes on to say:

"I am so sad that they used the beautiful St. Crispin's Day speech for these ridiculous games. Because, honestly, how often is the average PS3 gamer going to recognize Henry V and appreciate its greatness?"

I haven't gotten that far in History yet I guess.

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I don't like the voice but I like the atmosphere is like pumping you up like a war movie...

PS: I always liked the 'commercial' Leo-J posted.

I saw this ad today on TV it came on right after the MGS4 ad. The video looks really good.

SpartanFX said:
Kasz216 said:

Has anyone else seen this new PS3 commercial...

I find it hilarious mostly due to this site.

It's basically a bravehart speach or 300 or somethign... with PS3 gameplay footage.

Seemed hilariously fanboy targeted...

Has some kickass little big planet footage though.

Sony is taking the "console war" a little to literal... or atleast Sony's North American branch is.

Edit: Link




no it's from Shakespeare King Henry V

Weird.  Could of swore i heard that recently... and i haven't read Henry the Vth since highschool.  Shakespeare was the farrelley brothers of his day.

He's only seen as dignified now a days because nobody gets his dirty jokes anymore.


iron_megalith said:
rudyrsr8 said:
Wow I thought that was kinda a stupid commercial...


What? I though it was a fitting way to describe the PS3.

Specially this part..


"We few, we happy few" (I don't know about happy, but they are few)

That's the thing though... it's an add openly admitting it's not to popular and that it needs to rally back.  It's really quite silly.

They should of just stuck with the bad music as a backround.

Little Big Planet is lookin good though.

Around the Network

SCEA is the only branch doing things right (80gb ps3, good games like Uncharted), and if that requires an over the top mentality such as this, then I'm all for it.

And that commercial was full of win. :P

Nice MGS4 footage, though it would be nice if Konami/Sony had put out more MGS4 centered commercials.

Kasz216 said:
SpartanFX said:
Kasz216 said:

Has anyone else seen this new PS3 commercial...

I find it hilarious mostly due to this site.

It's basically a bravehart speach or 300 or somethign... with PS3 gameplay footage.

Seemed hilariously fanboy targeted...

Has some kickass little big planet footage though.

Sony is taking the "console war" a little to literal... or atleast Sony's North American branch is.

Edit: Link




no it's from Shakespeare King Henry V

Weird.  Could of swore i heard that recently... and i haven't read Henry the Vth since highschool.  Shakespeare was the farrelley brothers of his day.

He's only seen as dignified now a days because nobody gets his dirty jokes anymore.


The speech Aragorn gives in the Return of the King was quite similar.  Are you thinking of that?


the speech definately does not go with "little big planet"

bbsin said:
Nice MGS4 footage, though it would be nice if Konami/Sony had put out more MGS4 centered commercials.


there are MGS4 only ads aswell,,airing even back to back with this add