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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 82% react positively to contextual in-game ads

Garcian Smith said:
The key word being, "contextual."

Nobody wants Solid Snake turning around and explaining how much he likes the delicious, refreshing flavor of Coca-Cola. But placed contextually, game ads aren't so bad, and they can even add to immersion.



He drinks Regain.

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V!4GR4 for $9.99.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

How many here would like to see price reduction on games if the use in game ads and no in game ads if the game isn´t price reduced?

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

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Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

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vaio said:
How many here would like to see price reduction on games if the use in game ads and no in game ads if the game isn´t price reduced?


CONTEXTUAL in-game ads. Jeez, I'm amazed by how many people seem to ignore that word when reading the OP.

We're not talking about ads interrupting gameplay, here. We're talking, for example, characters sipping Coke rather than [generic made-up cola brand]. As I said, it adds to immersion, in the same way that contextual brand placement adds to immersion in movies. That's why people react positively to it: it's a win-win situation. The developers get more money to fund their game, and the players get both a few unobtrusive product placements in their games and a better game in general, thanks to the extra money the developers had to toss around.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Kyros said:
Depends on how its done. Product placement can be awesome (Fedex in Castaway, Audi in Ironman, McDonalds in Fifth Element) or terrible and annoying (Mercedes in Jurassic Park 2, Mission Impossible 2).


 Did you see that terrible movie Josie and the Pussy Cats? Now thats awful product placement.

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Its all about how they do it ... If you add several restaurants to a racing game which adds (some) realism to your city then it is a good thing, if your midevil wizard eats McDonalds to recover hit points thats a bad thing.

HappySqurriel said:

Its all about how they do it ... If you add several restaurants to a racing game which adds (some) realism to your city then it is a good thing, if your midevil wizard eats McDonalds to recover hit points thats a bad thing.


 LOL! my midevil wizard eats Burger King.  Either way, it's just another way for the consumer to be put in front of advertising without them knowing it.  The game industry will probably not see a price drop in games because the deal made between the devs and the company wanting the ad in game will not be big enough to warrant let's say a $5 or even $10 price drop in the game's overall price.  Even $1 off the game price takes away that much in money per copy in revenue to make up for the cost of making the game.  Game sells 2 million copies, there goes 2 million dollars of profit that can be used towards future projects or other things.  We havn't seen it with other consoles, I personally don't expect it to happen at all.

I actually like product placement if it makes sense. I would rather see Otacon using a Macbook than "Generic Computer A" and Snake riding a Triumph instead of "Cloned Motorcycle B".

When used properly, it adds a sense of realism.

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If it can help with production costs, I am all for it. Advertising will never get as bad as it is on television.

I'm okay with in game ads as long as they are used correctly.

Nintendo still doomed?
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