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HappySqurriel said:

Its all about how they do it ... If you add several restaurants to a racing game which adds (some) realism to your city then it is a good thing, if your midevil wizard eats McDonalds to recover hit points thats a bad thing.


 LOL! my midevil wizard eats Burger King.  Either way, it's just another way for the consumer to be put in front of advertising without them knowing it.  The game industry will probably not see a price drop in games because the deal made between the devs and the company wanting the ad in game will not be big enough to warrant let's say a $5 or even $10 price drop in the game's overall price.  Even $1 off the game price takes away that much in money per copy in revenue to make up for the cost of making the game.  Game sells 2 million copies, there goes 2 million dollars of profit that can be used towards future projects or other things.  We havn't seen it with other consoles, I personally don't expect it to happen at all.