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Forums - Website Topics - A Ban on members with

I'm sorry, but I think that's a horrible idea. You can't just prohibit people from taking part in the community until they have become a VGC geek. This site already kinda suffers from a large focus on post count (have 6 posts and your arguments are overlooked, have 3000 and you can turn all eyes towards you everytime you post). Please let's not discourage people from joining up, and just ban said spammers and erase their threads. We don't need a Patriot Act.

I drink your milkshake.

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I love the way you wrote that post with some piss-poor English. Seriously; pot, kettle, black all spring to mind.

I disagree also, i think anyone should be able to make Threads, just because there is stupid threads by new members, doesn't mean they can't learn from their mistakes, and also sometimes people are asking for help, i think it is a very positive thing that people come to this site and ask for help, it is showing that we are known and we have some good reputation.

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Auron said:
I disagree, i think they should be allowed to post no matter what their post count. Limit their thread creation to 1 a day though.


I'm all for this, considering that some people (read : me) are pretty much lurkers on these forums that might not feel the need to add anything to the conversation, but might still want to make an interesting point. So while yes, the people that make a random account and make 4 or 5 flame threads should be banned, the rest of the people with a low post count shouldn't be screwed over by this as well.


30 post minimum before you can make more than 1 thread?


I really don't like this idea, mods can handle it, why place crazy limitations on everything?

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We've been over this before and the general consensus is that it is annoying as hell. I too think that one line, CAPPED thread starters with 1-5 posts or so should get warned or told off, it really lends little creedence to both the site and the user him/herself.
I don't so much mind the language though, there are precious few in here who write perfect english, native speakers included, so picking on that would entail a 99% drop-off in users...

I think it should be taken on a case by case basis.

It's not about how many posts you have, or how long you've been in the site; it's about whether your contributions are reasonable or not.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

No thanks... although a lot of trolls will start up an account to create new threads, some of the trolls ignore new threads and just throw nonsense out inside old threads. I've seen some trolls recently with post counts in the 1000's. I am still not sure why they haven't been banned.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

DarkNight_DS said:
No thanks... although a lot of trolls will start up an account to create new threads, some of the trolls ignore new threads and just throw nonsense out inside old threads. I've seen some trolls recently with post counts in the 1000's. I am still not sure why they haven't been banned.

they all got unbanned


If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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How about if the site just prevented users with less than n amount of posts from creating new threads? Or better yet, prevented users who have been members less than n weeks and have less than n posts from posting topics.

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