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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu reports : Nearly 500,000 for Metal Gear Solid 4 in Japan.

NJ5 said:
starcraft said:

If you choose to respond, stop cherry-picking and properly engage with my arguments, rather than ignoring that which you struggle to refute.


I would love for that to happen, but this is MikeB we're talking about here. He'll never stop cherry picking, and as far as he's concerned he's never wrong. Trying to convince him of anything is like trying to make a wall bend by screaming into it. If you call him on something, he'll accuse you of "cheapshotting" him, and go back to whatever he was saying until you're out of the thread. Then he wins.



I just saw his response.......

Sony tripled their profits?

A much larger PS3 install base is a given?

Expects the PS3 to sell well over 100 million copies? 

Is it even worth replying?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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NJ5 said:
Euphoria14 said:
NJ5 said:
Aprisaiden said:
@TheBigFatJ -- did you just call a 70k HW boost small ?? a 70k boost in one region is huge for PS3. Hell a 70k boost in Japan would even be huge for Wii or DS....

I think PS3's long term hardware sales in Japan is up in the air. Remember back when DS outsold PSP and everyone thought PSP was dead in Japan ?? and now its the number selling platform week after week... It might not be able to catch up to Wii but i bet SONY would happy seeing PS3 sell 30 -40k per week for a few months ...

It's a 3% boost. Most one time boosts are practically irrelevant, momentum is where it's at. However, most game launches don't give momentum to hardware sales. Price cuts and similar stuff do, but Sony has already done a lot of those in Japan after which sales went even lower.

Your PSP example looks good on the surface, but by the time that could happen the Wii will already have solidified its position as the de facto console of this generation in Japan, much as the DS has almost hit the saturation point.


Going from 10K the previous week to 70K is 3%? Since when?

I'm talking about total sales. Of course, if you look at weekly sales this boost seems big, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter much unless it's a sustained increase (which is very unlikely).

Apologies if I wasn't clear enough.

That makes more sense the I guess. Thanks for the quick response.

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Ok so based on your posting I have a question Starcraft, if the PS3 is so detrimental to those small developers but by some miracle the Xbox360 isn't.

Where are those small developers made games on the 360 that made heaps of money ?

Back up your rhetoric with facts !

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
Ok so based on your posting I have a question Starcraft, if the PS3 is so detrimental to those small developers but by some miracle the Xbox360 isn't.

Where are those small developers made games on the 360 that made heaps of money ?

Back up your rhetoric with facts !

"Never mind the damage the console has done to many smaller developers that have been forced to succumb to acquisitions.  To a smaller extent, the Xbox 360 has been guilty of that same sin, though it mitigates it to a large extent through ease of development and ease of cross-development with PC."

Next time read my posts more comprehensively if you wish to pass comment on them.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

MikeB said:

The PS3 is way higher specced and ahead of its time than the original Playstation (and PS2) was for its time of release and thus more highly priced (twice as highly priced for the US at launch than the PSX). Despite this the PS3 sold about triple the amount by the end of fiscal year 2007 than Sony sold Playstations by the 31th of March 1996.


Yeah, and the ps2 shoots missiles... yawn sony and its marketing lackeys always pimping the non-existing über-high tech aspect. 

You are saying that when everyone (everyone with a brain, at least) is aware that the RSX was already old when it was implemented and the 512mb of ram are a hard-limit that's crippling both HD consoles. FFS many devs are having trouble rendering at 720p because the gfx chip is fill-rate limited and you come here to pump some crapola about the supposedly high-tech specs. Can't wait you to spout the line about TEH CELL POWERZ(tm) which is a wonderful sell because the audience is eager to buy promises. In the meanwhile, almost every ps3 game worth its salt has to install to the hard drive because the magnificient future-proof blue-ray drive the customers paid a premium for can't deliver the data fast enough.

Just be happy that a good game has had good sales in japan for a change and we might get more games like it in the future.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Lets just look at the overall picture. Today the Xbox360 has more to offer (software wise) then the ps3. Tomorrow when xbox360 needs to switch to blu ray discs to support better quality titles in terms on graphics and content the 360 will have problems. PSn is already starting to pick up and its installer base is starding to grow and the PS HOME hasnt even launched yet. Unlike the 360 which has had quiet a few of it's established and killer exclusive titles released (gears of war, forza2, halo, pg4) so far, the ps3 only has had metal gear and resistance). With the installer base growing with every exclusive big release, you have to take into term what will happen when the other titles are released which have a huge fan base. Titles such as; god of war, final fantasy, GT5, KillZone etc.

Above all, when the 360 has to eventually switch to blue ray, what will happen to the 360? again this is something else that needs to be taken into account. the 360 is becoming like a pc where you need to upgare it to keep up with the times.many people were not happy having to buy hard drives and HD add ons which they lost out and now they will have to fork out again for a blue ray drive. 

I'm not too fussed about whether the PS3 does well or the wii or the 360. But looking at the greater picture and applying commonsense, the 360 will face some problems. Other then graphics, the 360 offers no next generation capabilities.

The wii has its next gen offerings in the form of its revolutionary controller, the PS3 offers blue ray and motion sensing (whihc probably will improve over time), what does the 360 offer for next gen gamers? more add ons at a later date? will 360 owners have to constantly upgrade so their console can be up to date?

I remember when gears of war was released, the developer made a comment on how it had to push the 360 to its limits to make the title. This was within the 1st yr of the consoles release. On the 1st year, the console was made to push its boundaries. For me, that is a haunting thought knowing this is the best the console can do.

But as long as great games are made I ain't too fussed. All you PS3, 360 and wii fanboys can continue arguing, its not you who is making the money, its the companies who own the brands. 

what? the PS3 is far more powerful than PS2 and PS1 compared to the other consoles (PS2 vs cube and xbox and PS3 vs 360 and wii)

starcraft said:
Ail said:
Ok so based on your posting I have a question Starcraft, if the PS3 is so detrimental to those small developers but by some miracle the Xbox360 isn't.

Where are those small developers made games on the 360 that made heaps of money ?

Back up your rhetoric with facts !

"Never mind the damage the console has done to many smaller developers that have been forced to succumb to acquisitions.  To a smaller extent, the Xbox 360 has been guilty of that same sin, though it mitigates it to a large extent through ease of development and ease of cross-development with PC."

Next time read my posts more comprehensively if you wish to pass comment on them.


 I did.

So what are your examples of development costs mitigated by cross-developement with PC that led to successfull small developers success on the 360 ?

Looks to me like your whole post is just opinion based and you don't have anything to back the fact that you do not put the 360 in the same bucket as the PS3.

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Ail said:
starcraft said:
Ail said:
Ok so based on your posting I have a question Starcraft, if the PS3 is so detrimental to those small developers but by some miracle the Xbox360 isn't.

Where are those small developers made games on the 360 that made heaps of money ?

Back up your rhetoric with facts !

"Never mind the damage the console has done to many smaller developers that have been forced to succumb to acquisitions. To a smaller extent, the Xbox 360 has been guilty of that same sin, though it mitigates it to a large extent through ease of development and ease of cross-development with PC."

Next time read my posts more comprehensively if you wish to pass comment on them.


I did.

So what are your examples of development costs mitigated by cross-developement with PC that led to successfull small developers success on the 360 ?

Looks to me like your whole post is just opinion based and you don't have anything to back the fact that you do not put the 360 in the same bucket as the PS3.

Theres one.  They are all over the place, feel free to Google them.  Thats the first one I found looking down a list.

Its funny.  MikeB offered no evidence to support his claims, which were extremely unreasonable and outlandish, and yet they go unquestioned from you.  Do you really think its appropriate for you to be accusing me of bias?


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

@Fei-hung: Do you really believe the 360 will use Blu-ray for games?

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