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MikeB said:

The PS3 is way higher specced and ahead of its time than the original Playstation (and PS2) was for its time of release and thus more highly priced (twice as highly priced for the US at launch than the PSX). Despite this the PS3 sold about triple the amount by the end of fiscal year 2007 than Sony sold Playstations by the 31th of March 1996.


Yeah, and the ps2 shoots missiles... yawn sony and its marketing lackeys always pimping the non-existing über-high tech aspect. 

You are saying that when everyone (everyone with a brain, at least) is aware that the RSX was already old when it was implemented and the 512mb of ram are a hard-limit that's crippling both HD consoles. FFS many devs are having trouble rendering at 720p because the gfx chip is fill-rate limited and you come here to pump some crapola about the supposedly high-tech specs. Can't wait you to spout the line about TEH CELL POWERZ(tm) which is a wonderful sell because the audience is eager to buy promises. In the meanwhile, almost every ps3 game worth its salt has to install to the hard drive because the magnificient future-proof blue-ray drive the customers paid a premium for can't deliver the data fast enough.

Just be happy that a good game has had good sales in japan for a change and we might get more games like it in the future.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).