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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu reports : Nearly 500,000 for Metal Gear Solid 4 in Japan.

@ starcraft

The PS3 will have a lower entry price, the much larger install base idea is very much up in the air.

No, it's a given.

Certainly it will never be as big as the Wii's, or significantly larger than the Xbox 360's.

That remains to be seen, I think the 360 will end a distant third compared to both PS3 and Wii. I think the PS3 will sell well over 100 million units for the long run.

I agree that a more impressive version of Ghostbusters would be better for consumers. But history tells us this is just as easily done on the Xbox 360 exclusively.

I am not much impressed by Halo 3, despite its long developement time and investment.

I think most 360 games will end up being better by first having a PS3 game ready (while designed to take the 360 specs into perspective), resulting in well more game engine efficiency and then customize and optimize a port to suit the 360 hardware architecture.

The roadmap hasn't proved sustainable for Sony so far.

They tripled their profits.

When combined with the knowledge the PS3's tail won't be nearly as prolonged or successful as the PS2's

I don't agree, the tail will probably be even longer.

t becomes unlikely that the PS3 will be a profitable console overall.

Remains to be seen, it will likely be well profitable. In any case I think the PS3 paves the way for a Cell based PS4, I think game engines will be taking advantage of the PS4 specs much faster.

The greater relative success of Xbox Live Market Place relative to PSN

I think PSN games sell better on average per game, per year, per user.

Actually, "taking the easy route" is all that allowed some developers to survive

Short term it helps being profitable, but IMO for the long run it puts them in a competitive disadvantage compared to those who decided to cross the river and hills.

t this stage, the PS3 has already seen the limitations of its inferior graphics chip

That's not what developers say. Developers say there's a huge amount of untapped potential, for example Housemarque claims a 50% gain in graphics performance for their next PS3 game compared to Super Stardust HD (1080p @ 60 FPS, over 20,000 physics based colliding objects and a 100,000 particle effects on screen at once).

small amount of RAM

Huge amount of memory for a console, a default harddrive and much higher bandwidth than the 360.

nsufficient Blu-Ray drive speed

The Blu-Ray drive is technically faster than 360 DVD, for the small area a dual layer DVD loads faster (with irritating noise) there's a default harddrive to take advantage of in terms of install. (Uncharted, better looking than anything on the 360 so far, no install / no in-game loading)

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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i don't know how this thread turned into an arguement for some of you! there is nothing BUT good news in the OP.

DOATS1 said:
ps3 may hit 300k this week, if this data is correct. so i guess mgs4 is a system seller after all.


Well after figure of 77k in Japan 300k is almost confirmed. But i still expect much better figures in NA because of 70k 80gb bundles plus better 40gb sales thanks to MGS4.


And The Source is wrong again;....It looks like he is not that good kind of anylist like others thought :).

Wow, the same people seem to have bought MGS 4 as MGS 2 and 3 in Japan.

HW boost was pretty small -- it will probably be above the Wii for one week in Japan now. I would expect it to drop back to the sub 10K level again very soon.

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Quoting starcraft - 

"Ignoring the clear evidence that the Xbox 360 has stolen masses of PS2 customers, and will continue to do so for at least 2-3 years to come, we'll deal with you're fundamental failure to grasp the tendencies of the industry to lean towards an established victor."

Proof please?

Last I checked the 360 hasn't even sold to it's original XBox fanbase yet. So who is stealing their original fanbase?

I don't see why anyone tries to claim this as fact, as it clearly isn't. You need to sell to your original fanbase first before claiming to steal someone elses. 360 hasn't stolen anything yet, if anyone is stealing fanbase right now, it is Nintendo.

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@TheBigFatJ -- did you just call a 70k HW boost small ?? a 70k boost in one region is huge for PS3. Hell a 70k boost in Japan would even be huge for Wii or DS....

I think PS3's long term hardware sales in Japan is up in the air. Remember back when DS outsold PSP and everyone thought PSP was dead in Japan ?? and now its the number selling platform week after week... It might not be able to catch up to Wii but i bet SONY would happy seeing PS3 sell 30 -40k per week for a few months ...

Aprisaiden said:
@TheBigFatJ -- did you just call a 70k HW boost small ?? a 70k boost in one region is huge for PS3. Hell a 70k boost in Japan would even be huge for Wii or DS....

I think PS3's long term hardware sales in Japan is up in the air. Remember back when DS outsold PSP and everyone thought PSP was dead in Japan ?? and now its the number selling platform week after week... It might not be able to catch up to Wii but i bet SONY would happy seeing PS3 sell 30 -40k per week for a few months ...

It's a 3% boost. Most one time boosts are practically irrelevant, momentum is where it's at. However, most game launches don't give momentum to hardware sales. Price cuts and similar stuff do, but Sony has already done a lot of those in Japan after which sales went even lower.

Your PSP example looks good on the surface, but by the time that could happen the Wii will already have solidified its position as the de facto console of this generation in Japan, much as the DS has almost hit the saturation point.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
Aprisaiden said:
@TheBigFatJ -- did you just call a 70k HW boost small ?? a 70k boost in one region is huge for PS3. Hell a 70k boost in Japan would even be huge for Wii or DS....

I think PS3's long term hardware sales in Japan is up in the air. Remember back when DS outsold PSP and everyone thought PSP was dead in Japan ?? and now its the number selling platform week after week... It might not be able to catch up to Wii but i bet SONY would happy seeing PS3 sell 30 -40k per week for a few months ...

It's a 3% boost. Most one time boosts are practically irrelevant, momentum is where it's at. However, most game launches don't give momentum to hardware sales. Price cuts and similar stuff do, but Sony has already done a lot of those in Japan after which sales went even lower.

Your PSP example looks good on the surface, but by the time that could happen the Wii will already have solidified its position as the de facto console of this generation in Japan, much as the DS has almost hit the saturation point.


 Going from 10K the previous week to 70K is 3%? Since when?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Euphoria14 said:
NJ5 said:
Aprisaiden said:
@TheBigFatJ -- did you just call a 70k HW boost small ?? a 70k boost in one region is huge for PS3. Hell a 70k boost in Japan would even be huge for Wii or DS....

I think PS3's long term hardware sales in Japan is up in the air. Remember back when DS outsold PSP and everyone thought PSP was dead in Japan ?? and now its the number selling platform week after week... It might not be able to catch up to Wii but i bet SONY would happy seeing PS3 sell 30 -40k per week for a few months ...

It's a 3% boost. Most one time boosts are practically irrelevant, momentum is where it's at. However, most game launches don't give momentum to hardware sales. Price cuts and similar stuff do, but Sony has already done a lot of those in Japan after which sales went even lower.

Your PSP example looks good on the surface, but by the time that could happen the Wii will already have solidified its position as the de facto console of this generation in Japan, much as the DS has almost hit the saturation point.


Going from 10K the previous week to 70K is 3%? Since when?

I'm talking about total sales. Of course, if you look at weekly sales this boost seems big, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter much unless it's a sustained increase (which is very unlikely).

Apologies if I wasn't clear enough.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957