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Euphoria14 said:
NJ5 said:
Aprisaiden said:
@TheBigFatJ -- did you just call a 70k HW boost small ?? a 70k boost in one region is huge for PS3. Hell a 70k boost in Japan would even be huge for Wii or DS....

I think PS3's long term hardware sales in Japan is up in the air. Remember back when DS outsold PSP and everyone thought PSP was dead in Japan ?? and now its the number selling platform week after week... It might not be able to catch up to Wii but i bet SONY would happy seeing PS3 sell 30 -40k per week for a few months ...

It's a 3% boost. Most one time boosts are practically irrelevant, momentum is where it's at. However, most game launches don't give momentum to hardware sales. Price cuts and similar stuff do, but Sony has already done a lot of those in Japan after which sales went even lower.

Your PSP example looks good on the surface, but by the time that could happen the Wii will already have solidified its position as the de facto console of this generation in Japan, much as the DS has almost hit the saturation point.


Going from 10K the previous week to 70K is 3%? Since when?

I'm talking about total sales. Of course, if you look at weekly sales this boost seems big, but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter much unless it's a sustained increase (which is very unlikely).

Apologies if I wasn't clear enough.


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