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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why call it 'America?'

it must stands for America, America = North and South America; the United States of America is a country in America


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Cedval said:
IF it is short for North America or the Americas, why the US Flag?

 Because there is no flag for the Americas so Ioi evidently just chose the flag of the place where the majority of American sales come from.

I was thnking the same Cedval, I always wondered if Canada and Mexico was part of other considering the American flag beside "America". If america does include Can, and Mex its very missleading and a diff flag should be used as well as it being called "North American" sales (if including US Mexico, and Canada) or "The Americas" if its both north and south.

PSWii60 owner! woot

Get your Portable ID!

The EU flag is also used for "others" even though it includes countries not in the EU, and even countries not in Europe.

The Japanese flag is actually the odd one out in that it encompasses all the places included for the VG sales.

Wheres mesoteto when u need him?!? :D

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Here we go.

Maybe we could design a flag that would represent all of North and South America -- it could have a red white and blue maple leaf, being carried by an eagle, for starters. Maybe on the green/yellow background of the Brazilian flag, and then we incorporate things from all the other countries (I dunno... what does the Uruguayan flag look like...? And don't forget Greenland!) Then, we could send it to the U.N. to get it ratified and official... assuming it passes a popular vote, here on VGChartz...


maybe we could just stick with the US flag and not complain about minutia? :)

All systems sold in Central and South America are imported from US, so I guess they count as US sales...

Actually, I rescind my snark; Cedval's flag looks pretty swanky.

UK for the win.
I just thought america os the name of the region like how europe is for uk france and so on