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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit (New Info)


Ah, your post was actually very interesting to read.

I'd love to see a small developer who had to endure making shovelware to make ends meet is finally given a chance to make a good independent IP even though the odds are against them.

Let's just say godspeed HVS.

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

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This game is getting hyped up WAY too much. High Voltage is not a big time developer. When it's not perfect, people will go off on it. Honestly I hope it's good. The Wii needs more games like this. If it's decent and not great though people will beat up on it like Red Steel. You would swear that is the worst game ever made if you hear some people talk. It isn't. It just was hyped up WAY too much. See what I mean?

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

sc94597 said:
shams said:
This is their first, original, in-house IP. Not saying it will be good - but they are experienced developers - and it should have a chance at least.

What sort of scores will people be happy with? 80%? 85?

75%+ Which is above average.

Considering the hype on this game right now, 75% probably wouldn't do...



I'm an ALIEN!!!! - officially identified as by Konnichiwa

Of course... My English is still... horrible - appreciation and thanks to FJ-Warez  

Brawl FC: 0301-9911-8154

Is no local multiplayer confirmed?

90% - AAA, "the spiritual psuedo-sequel to Perfect Dark..."


Imagine how nice that would be.

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arsenal009 said:
Is no local multiplayer confirmed?


No splitscreen, but they said there may be lan.

That sux, i was looking forward to playing this game with my friends like the good old goldeneye / perfect dark days.

sc94597 said:
THey said it might have lan, buy no splitscreen. It's been confirmed to have online though


No Wii game thus far has had LAN multiplayer even though Nintendo said Wii was capable of it it 2005.

AS soon as this game gets a publisher, this game needs HYPE. And lots of it. I mean all those major media sites like IGN and Gamespot and all those other that complain Wii doesn't get these kinds of games well here's there chance. Hype this game and show lots of stuff about it so it gets known and people buy it and we get more of it. BUY this game haha. I mean its going to miss Holiday release so buy it. Don't worry about reviews. It'll get good reviews cause core review sites have been waiting for this. This could really change things around for the Wii if this gets a lot of attention in the eyes of 3rd parties.

Snesboy said:
sc94597 said:
THey said it might have lan, buy no splitscreen. It's been confirmed to have online though


No Wii game thus far has had LAN multiplayer even though Nintendo said Wii was capable of it it 2005.

So then is there a problem? If nintendo said the wii is capable of LAN I'm pretty sure it is.