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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Microsoft Dominate after E3?

Fanatical111 said:
Rainbird said:

Valkyria Chronicles for the JRPG people, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm for the narutards (there are a lot of little ninja wannabies who would want to get their hands on this game) and Heavy Rain are also coming to the PS3. Even though they are not as highprofile as the other games, they are good assets to the lineup.
This brings the total line up to:

Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
SOCOM: Confrontation
Resistance 2
Heavy Rain
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Valkyria Chronicles

(Tekken 6 and White Knight Chronicles are possibilities, but are uncertain at the moment)

And I think that LPB will appeal to a wider audience than you might expect, and if Sony play their marketing right, this could get really big.

Banjo>LBP anyday

Gears>RFOM anyday

The rest are all much smaller releases in comparision to the 360 lineup IMO.

 While I agree with your GeoW/RFoM opinion, I think that the LPB/Banjo comparisons are too much up in the air, although to me LPB seems the best of the two. And I agree that there are "small" releases for the PS3, but I think that all the PS3 only otakus in the world will be grateful for Valkyria Chronicles and White Knight Chronicles (dependant on if it comes out for xmas), and I know people who a thirsting for their HD Naruto fix. Neither of these groups should be underestimated imo. Those two, Tekken 6 and Heavy Rain are the games I would call low profile in the Sony Christmas line up

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your posts (that were wrong anyway) broke the thread

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
Fanatical111 said:
DMeisterJ said:
I thought that development time of 3 years is a pretty bad thing. Doesn't that show how bad of a developer that is? Most dev time is 1-2 years (correct?).

Anyhoo, it's not "Will MS dominate after E3"? Microsoft has no choice but to dominate E3. With PS3 slowly chipping away at it's once 7.5 million lead (now down to somewhere around 5.85 million, and after the next few weeks, close to 5.5million) they have no choice but to be agressive. If not, by the end of the year, the PS3 may be perilously close to closing the gap. I mean, 360 hasn't beat PS3 WW for any week this year, and it's not looking like it'll happen anytime soon...

So MS needs to go hard at E3, lose some money, and price drop or else, they'll be relegated to last place, quickly.

But really, Nintendo has the most to gain and lose this E3. They need to show the non-believers, the people that believe the Wii is "casual" that it's not, and get some good Third-Party support out there.

Sony is in the most stable position, but that's only because the only place you can go from the bottom is the top. I mean, they were doing horrible last year, and are doing better, but not extraordinarily better, so they're really the ones that need to show why you should purchase their machine over their competitors. Lots of people (me included), don't feel compelled to get a PS3, especially when all the JRPG support is going to the 360. What, should I buy a PS3 for all the slipshod, late ports?


hmmm...Kill Zone 2, 4 years? There pretty bad devs then I guess?


I'm not defending Killzone 2, but it's only been in development since the completion of Killzone: Liberation on the PSP. So that's 2 years.

How is that possible? They showed a trailer for the game at E3 2005. Sure, it was pre-rendered but it's obvious that development is already going strong if they're showing trailers for a game. That's three years right there, not including all the time they worked on the game before that point. By the time it releases, it will be close to 4 years of development at the bare minimum, maybe even longer if they started development in 2004.

I thought that was known fact.

I remember reading somewhere that development started after completion of Killzone: Liberation. That could have been as early as June or July of 2006 if they decided to have good QA testing and all that good stuff for a November release.

And that would have explained why even though they had the pre-rendered footage at E305 that they didn't get any playable footage until E307.

Also, wasn't it widely reported that the PS3 devkits didn't come out until early in 2006?

I mean, I don't know if I'm wrong or not, but I think I remember reading that it took Sony forever to get the devkits out which is why devs had lots of nasty things to say about the PS3...

Development on several PS3 games began long before PS3 dev kits were released. After all, Resistance (and every other launch game) wasn't coded in 7 months. The code is obviously not optimized but that doesn't mean coding hasn't begun.

Besides, there is a lot of work to be done before one line of code is written. You need teams of artists designing characters, creating environments, textures, etc. before they can even release a pre-rendered trailer, much less the work it requires to actually create said trailer. Not to mention the writers, plotters, etc. that need to have much of their work completed before game development starts going in earnest.

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If 10-20% is domination, then what is Nintendo doing with the Wii? They're outselling each of these systems by over 100%.

Of course it won't.

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Fanatical111 said:
famousringo said:


I declare this myth plausible.

 Right now the 360's problem isn't cool games or price. Its problem is that Japan doesn't care unless it's a handheld or the Wii, the European core demographic thinks Playstation is still king, and the US core demographic is close to saturation. The 360 is running out of places to grow to.

When I look at your games list, I just see a broader selection in genres where the 360's library is already quite strong. Throw in some copycat features from the Wii and a price cut and, sure, it could claw its way back to 2nd place weekly for a while. But at this point, the die has been cast, and the major trends of this generation won't be altered without very extraordinary events.

I disagree.  Lets say $50-$100 price cut.  A vast amount of great games that appeal to everyone.  An already immense library of great games.  XBL improvements, new gameplay functionality and IPTV and other media add-ons.  This all equals substancial growth. 

Christmas time = console buying time.  If the above takes place around Christmas which will most likely happen, the 360 will see huge sales. 

Banjo and Viva appeal to that market that the 360 really hasnt touched to well.  Christmas 08 they will be inclinded to attack that market.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, because those titles simply aren't system sellers. They aren't going to change the 360's image (almost certainly a good thing, MS can't afford to lose their hardcore image at this point). You won't be seeing lapsed gamers and moms buying a 360 for Viva Pinata 2, but you might see girlfriends of guys who bought a 360 for Halo 3 picking up the Viva Pinata for themselves.

Furthermore, I doubt that MS is going to cut a full $100 from the 360, since they can't afford to keep subsidizing the hardware while tossing out moneyhats to subsidize software. I know everybody thinks they're only here to fight off Sony, but they can't stay in the console race forever if they can't manage to at least break even on their investment. They have a lot of ground to cover to make up for the first two years of 360 losses.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Fanatical111 said:

Banjo>LBP anyday

Gears>RFOM anyday

The rest are all much smaller releases in comparision to the 360 lineup IMO.


 LBP has gained an almost universally positive reception from everyone who has ever touched or seen it, Banjo has had a mixed reception from both gaming websites who had hands on time and even its fans (me included). Rare have lost their way, and I feel that your placement of banjo above LBP has more to do with its platform than its actual quality (but I do agree with you about gears, it was a far better game that resistance, I think it will be a closer battle this time qualitywise though as what I have so far seen of resistance 2 is very interesting)

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

oops, double post

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

No, especially if they're leaked E3 announcements are anything to go by.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles fan for life. <3

Is this thread a joke one?

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

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