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Fanatical111 said:
Rainbird said:

Valkyria Chronicles for the JRPG people, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm for the narutards (there are a lot of little ninja wannabies who would want to get their hands on this game) and Heavy Rain are also coming to the PS3. Even though they are not as highprofile as the other games, they are good assets to the lineup.
This brings the total line up to:

Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
SOCOM: Confrontation
Resistance 2
Heavy Rain
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Valkyria Chronicles

(Tekken 6 and White Knight Chronicles are possibilities, but are uncertain at the moment)

And I think that LPB will appeal to a wider audience than you might expect, and if Sony play their marketing right, this could get really big.

Banjo>LBP anyday

Gears>RFOM anyday

The rest are all much smaller releases in comparision to the 360 lineup IMO.

 While I agree with your GeoW/RFoM opinion, I think that the LPB/Banjo comparisons are too much up in the air, although to me LPB seems the best of the two. And I agree that there are "small" releases for the PS3, but I think that all the PS3 only otakus in the world will be grateful for Valkyria Chronicles and White Knight Chronicles (dependant on if it comes out for xmas), and I know people who a thirsting for their HD Naruto fix. Neither of these groups should be underestimated imo. Those two, Tekken 6 and Heavy Rain are the games I would call low profile in the Sony Christmas line up