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Forums - General Discussion - It is my 18th birthday.

That or I'm different. Every other person besides me seems to want to get drunk every damn day. Not me, not ever.

and 21 is the age in the U.S. for drinking in case some of you from outside the U.S. didn't know.

and thanks guys! 5 more minutes until my b-day is over!

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Happy birthday.

12:01 it's now over, did you have fun today?

fazz said:

Awesome, let's get some chicks! ;D

Here they are fazz ready to rock you :)


I like Bacon said:

That or I'm different. Every other person besides me seems to want to get drunk every damn day. Not me, not ever.

and 21 is the age in the U.S. for drinking in case some of you from outside the U.S. didn't know.

and thanks guys! 5 more minutes until my b-day is over!


Stop being so lame and go get pissed outta your frickin' mind already.

There's nothing wrong with drinking. Infact, it's good for you...drugs too.


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Seriously though. Get wasted, go find a hooker on craigslist right now.


She'll love to take your virginity. (if you got the loot) :)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Happy Birthday, a little late but don´t matter.

Happy belated birthday. Now you can enjoy the finer things in life such as going to strip clubs, having legal sex, and going to jail! (Preferably in that order). But seriously, have a nice one.

Well, that was probably the worst b-day I have ever had. It was just another average day though. Sleep, Internet, Videogames, then off to work. Didn't get a damn thing either.

and why can't people understand? I will never drink or do drugs, or even smoke cigarettes in my entire life. I'm not "crazy" like some people here...... >.>

I like Bacon said:

Well, that was probably the worst b-day I have ever had. It was just another average day though. Sleep, Internet, Videogames, then off to work. Didn't get a damn thing either.

and why can't people understand? I will never drink or do drugs, or even smoke cigarettes in my entire life. I'm not "crazy" like some people here...... >.>

Good for you, ILB.

Of course drinking alcohol, does not necessarily mean getting drunk. It is perfectly responsible to drink in moderation. Unless you are in a religion that forbids it. Either way, congratulations on making up your mind and sticking to it. I drink less then 10 times a year and even then only in moderation and never when I have to drive. There are many ways to live.