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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict each console's sales during mgs4 week.

I Perdict said:

had to change my numbers after seeing japans prelim.... damn.... naybe I under estimated the Ps3 this week. But to be fair I didn't want to try to compensate for under estimating SW for MGS4. I thought that would just lead to over estimating.

You should have thought about it, since day one sales were 350k, and according to famitsu with the exclusion of bundles MGS4 sold 300k, do the math, automatic 50k.


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PS3 - 400k <----im an optomist. Its actually not THAT unreasonable considering the giftcards,bundles, and japan sales.
Wii - 300k
360 - 130k

I'm thinking Japan will sell 70k PS3, US will sell 200k, and others will sell 130k.

I might actually be a little low... 

leo-j said:
I Perdict said:

had to change my numbers after seeing japans prelim.... damn.... naybe I under estimated the Ps3 this week. But to be fair I didn't want to try to compensate for under estimating SW for MGS4. I thought that would just lead to over estimating.

You should have thought about it, since day one sales were 350k, and according to famitsu with the exclusion of bundles MGS4 sold 300k, do the math, automatic 50k.

That's also assuming no one else bought a system the entire week and people just bought the bundle... I guess I didnt think straight.

FaRmLaNd said:
360 and wii might get a slight increase due to more people being in the shops thanks to mgs4.

That doesnt make any sense...if more people are in shops for mgs4...then why would they buy a wii or 360?!...lmfao

I see this week
Wii over 500k+
PS3 around 350 - 400k
and 360 about 200k

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Oh sorry, didn't see that this thread was still going, and created the other one, my bad.

Wii - 300K
360 - 129K
PS3 - 400K

Wii 400k
PS3 300k
X360 150k

Wii - rufly 400K
360 - 135K
PS3 - 290K


Well - during Wii Fit launch in America, Wii sold 324K there.

At GTA IV launch, it sold 412K.

I suspect that it will be lower than both those, as we have seen a sort of "uptrapping" lately.

Weekly Wii sells more and more in the big weeks, and then had a boom, before tripping down again.

Normally the up week is twice of the down week, so I'll say about 230K.

Others: The boosts here are minimal from supply. Normal is around 150K here, so that seems fair, as I see little reason for increase there.

Japan: Wii is in a decreasing period, just as Ps3/360, and shouldn't have a big boost, so 40K.

Worldwide: 420K.




Ps3 peaked at 99K in GTA  launch. Now there's already 70K bundles, and an estimated 30K boost on normal sales, so 150K.


Sold over 200K with GTA. Has  had huge stocks, and sold out. It's bigger than GTA IV, so I'll say 250K


Japanese love bundles. MGS is selling huge over there (at least for a Ps3 game). I expect it to have a major boost, to 50K.




Slight drop from usual is likely. Normal is 60K Others and 50K America, so 90K.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

daactualfact said:
roadkillers, ps3 sold 120k in Na not 140k. Louie confirmed this.

I don't see how Louie could have confirmed whole week sales of PS3 in NA 2 days before the week was over...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !