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Forums - Website Topics - Why did you join VGChartz? And how did you found out about it?

Wow I wasnt aware of how many users we get from Google. That's awesome. I think I came here from Google as well.

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A. I was drunk one night and stumbled upon this site by accident.

or was it this scenario:

B. I found this site being advertised on a toilet door.
" = greatest website".
I logged onto the net and lo and behold it is a great site.


Loada people bashing it at NGW (which I used to be a part of), and so I looked at it out of interest. Signed up a few weeks later. Made an embarrassingly bad first post.

ecurbj said:


You didn't join because of lulz...

Here is me and DMeisterJ journey on joining VGChartz

It all started out the begining of fall 2006, we were starting college and I wanted a site that provided game sales to my liking, well I previous was checking out:

And certainly made use of it but I wanted updated Japanese sales every week. That site was providing me with the info I needed. So I browse on google for a site with game sales and came up and I clicked on the link and I came to the site. The site didn't look anything like it was today. It was bland and sort of empty. I was a lurker for some time because I didn't know anything about forums or anything. This was the first forum I joined ever.

So I joined and my first account was named Young 8ill. I posted a little bit but I simply didn't get the answers I wanted. I made threads but they would not get answered so I stepped away from the site, because there certainly wasn't a single Japanese person I could talk to. To answer my questions. So I then came back to the site around February or March and made another account under the name Tetsuya. I forgot my previous account "Young 8ill" password so I joined up with Tetsuya account. I posted a few and loved the community and ioi provided us at the time with more data that I wanted for understanding the Japanese market. I certainly ended up posting and posting a lot and enjoyed it.

My cousin (DMeisterJ) on the other hand didn't post like I wanted him to. He would make these small posts and the leave the site and the come back and leave. It was rather funny but later around the summer of 2007, he began to post a lot and a lot and he became a well known member or a troll as a may say for Sony.

But overall thats how me and my cousin joined VGChartz rather strange. But I certainly have a long history on this site. My outbursts because I wanted to be a mod to me making like 4 different accounts because I didn't like my profile

Strange but I wouldn't trade this site in for nothing else. The members on here are awesome and even though I'm not on like I want to be via job, video games and college and I still try and find a way to log in and post.

I like this site....VGCHARTZ FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!

 That's a beautiful story..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

I joined thanks to the sales number and the thread "Hablemos en español" and I found this site in google.

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NiKKoM said:
ecurbj said:


You didn't join because of lulz...

Here is me and DMeisterJ journey on joining VGChartz

It all started out the begining of fall 2006, we were starting college and I wanted a site that provided game sales to my liking, well I previous was checking out:

And certainly made use of it but I wanted updated Japanese sales every week. That site was providing me with the info I needed. So I browse on google for a site with game sales and came up and I clicked on the link and I came to the site. The site didn't look anything like it was today. It was bland and sort of empty. I was a lurker for some time because I didn't know anything about forums or anything. This was the first forum I joined ever.

So I joined and my first account was named Young 8ill. I posted a little bit but I simply didn't get the answers I wanted. I made threads but they would not get answered so I stepped away from the site, because there certainly wasn't a single Japanese person I could talk to. To answer my questions. So I then came back to the site around February or March and made another account under the name Tetsuya. I forgot my previous account "Young 8ill" password so I joined up with Tetsuya account. I posted a few and loved the community and ioi provided us at the time with more data that I wanted for understanding the Japanese market. I certainly ended up posting and posting a lot and enjoyed it.

My cousin (DMeisterJ) on the other hand didn't post like I wanted him to. He would make these small posts and the leave the site and the come back and leave. It was rather funny but later around the summer of 2007, he began to post a lot and a lot and he became a well known member or a troll as a may say for Sony.

But overall thats how me and my cousin joined VGChartz rather strange. But I certainly have a long history on this site. My outbursts because I wanted to be a mod to me making like 4 different accounts because I didn't like my profile

Strange but I wouldn't trade this site in for nothing else. The members on here are awesome and even though I'm not on like I want to be via job, video games and college and I still try and find a way to log in and post.

I like this site....VGCHARTZ FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!

 That's a beautiful story.. makes me

ecurbj MAN UP!!!!

okay...I'm not crying anymore :)

I found it courtesy of google in like june, 2007. I joined so I could yell at people in the comment sections on sales pages. (anyone remember the plethora of "Xbox 360 is a SW beast and the PS3 sells nada" comments?) Then I found the forums... {Thunderous evil laughter /}

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

I've always read the forums and sales for a long time and felt the desire to contribute but never did until one fateful day when I couldn't resist the urge to jump in and defend the ps3 because it was taking a real beating and sony fanboys weren't making coherent arguments lol

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

I used to frequent GameSpot's System Wars foroum (before I was banned, lol), and the general consensus over there (like a year ago) was that VGChartz > nexgenwarz. Because of that, I used to come here for numbers all the time to use in arguments on GS.

One day, I came here and the graphs were down, so I joined to ask why. It was around May, I think, and I don't think I posted again until July. Once I was banned from GS, VGChartz became my new (and much better) home. :)

you dont seem like the type to get banned