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prologue is not a real GT Mr slime.

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WOW FORZA 3 will be big

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Moneybags said:
prologue is not a real GT Mr slime.

 That may be true but it is a real game that you have to buy. Its not like he is comparing a free demo to a full game. GT5P costs more than Forza 2.

It'll be single player on one multiplayer on the other most likely. And lets be honest you wont have to change disks mid race. Thats just stupid fanboy trolling.

I Perdict said:
Slimebeast said:
konnichiwa said:
Slimebeast said:

Gran Turismo 4: 89% on Gamerankings

GT5 Prologue: 80%

Forza 2: 90%

Enuff said.

 A new kind of cherry picking?

How is that cherry picking? The latest Forza 2 beats GT4 and the 80% for GT5Pro doesn't strengthen GT5's case.


It's cherry picking because you compared a demo to a full game and a last gen game to a next gen game...

Let me do it better than you

GT - 94.7% - 21 reviews - 10.85 mil
GT2 - 92.5% - 25 reviews - 9.37 mil
GT3 - 94.2% - 78 reviews - 14.88 mil
GT4P - unrated - 1.36 mil
GT4 - 89.1% - 91 reviews - 10.06 mil
GT5P - 80.1% - 59 reviews - 2.23 mil

Forza - 93% - 85 reviews - 1.01 mil
Forza2 - 89.8% - 77 reviews - 3.89 mil

You also rounded up Forza and rounded down GT

I said that Forza 3 is a GT-killer if it will have 100 tracks, and that (I believe) it will be a better game than GT5.

Then Kingofwale sarcastically said "Because we all know how Forza has always been better than GT series." as if I presented a ridiculous opinion.

I presented facts about the quality of Forza vs GT.

You showing all the GR scores for GT-series doesnt change the fact that it's a perfectly reasonable opinion that if Forza 3 has 100 tracks, it will be a better game than GT5 (which dont even have damaged cars LOL).



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When was the last time a HUGE leak like this happened?

DonWii said:

When was the last time a HUGE leak like this happened?

Again, some of these are undoubtedly false, which calls the validity of the whole thing into suspect...

It's quite possible GT5 will have more than 100 tracks, and will almost definitely have more than 400 cars. (As GT4 had over 700 cars)

Anyways, is anyone starting to feel that this console race is like high school? Microsoft is starting to seem an awful lot like the kid who follows the popular people around and copies all their favorable traits in an attempt to make friends, but every one sees through his act and laughs at him behind his back.

As in go buy us some coffee.

Slimebeast said:

I said that Forza 3 is a GT-killer if it will have 100 tracks, and that (I believe) it will be a better game than GT5.  "Forza 3 - GT-killer confirmed."

Then Kingofwale sarcastically said "well, it's great to see you can back it up with real data. Because we all know how Forza has always been better than GT series." as if I presented a ridiculous opinion.

I presented facts reviewers opinions about the quality of Forza2 vs GT4.

You showing all the GR scores for GT-series doesnt change the fact that it's a perfectly reasonable opinion that if Forza 3 has 100 tracks, it will be a better game than GT5 (which dont even have damaged cars LOL).




Hm... The GH4 guitar thing seems unlikely... just IMO