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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo Wii's to sell over 600k a week.

leo-j said:
You have to remember..

Not everyone wants a wii, you have to consider what would happen if nintendo do happen to hit demand.

Ive said it many times before, you cant predict any trends, nor predict if the wii will hit demand any time soon, its not something that you can predict.

And not everyone wants a PS3... And if Nintendo would happen to hit demand, it would simply mean the Wii would longer be sold out. It's not like sales will just fall to nothing, because that's not how sales trends work. You don't just suddenly "meet demand" after being sold out for nearly 2 years now, and then have demand just fall off the face of the Earth. That's just not how it works.

And sooner or later (and it's going to be later it seems), the Wii will no longer be sold out, and will be available easily and regularly everywhere. This has happened in Japan completely, and 95% of Others is regularly supplied, and sales haven't nosedived. It's still to happen in the Americas though, but I doubt that once that magical "no longer sold out" event occurs, sales will plummet. It just doesn't work like that.

I do have a feeling that once the Wii is regularly in stock, sales will tumble a bit, for a couple reasons. For starters, people won't be so desparate to get one as soon as they see one. Right now, if you can get your hands on it, you buy it. No questions asked. Also, I have a feeling that once it's no longer profitable to sell the things on eBay, those buyers won't be buying up as much of the stock as they are now, though I would think the number of consoles sold this way is small. Though even when this happens I expect weekly sales to be greater than 150k, if not in the 200-250k range.

@OP - I think 600k would be the absolute max for weekly sales. Right now, we can say that Japan is about 50k a week, Others is 150k a week, so Americas would have to make up the difference of that, which would be about 400k. I think that might be a bit high for a normal, non-big game release week. I would expect that the regularly weekly sales by region would be: Japan 50k, Others 150k, and America 200k, for a WW weekly average of about 400k. 

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I think wii can sell 600K a week.

But not 600K a week.

I think demand would subside before Nintendo got to producing over 2.5 million wiis a month... if they would even want to make 2.5 million wiis a month... (Not counting holiday stockpiles of course.)

leo-j said:
You have to remember..

Not everyone wants a wii, you have to consider what would happen if nintendo do happen to hit demand.

Ive said it many times before, you cant predict any trends, nor predict if the wii will hit demand any time soon, its not something that you can predict.

Boy if you can't predict trends a shit load of people are getting paid for nothing...

Like just about everybody who works on the stock market for 1.

Maybe YOU couldn't predict trends.  However trends can be predicted quite accurately most of the time.

Everybody is known to make a few mistakes here and there, and as predicting them involves complicated methods mistakes can be made....

but trends can be predicted. 

leo-j said:
You have to remember..

Not everyone wants a wii, you have to consider what would happen if nintendo do happen to hit demand.

Ive said it many times before, you cant predict any trends, nor predict if the wii will hit demand any time soon, its not something that you can predict.

well wii already sold more then 600k in the week GTA4 released,what makes you think that when it sells that much in the week the biggest game in the gen releases,it cant do it at regular weeks

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

That was one week.

There was one week last year before Christmas when the Wii sold 1.47 million units. Is that supposed to mean that if Nintendo had 1.5 million consoles available to retail every week, they'd be selling 6 million consoles a month?

Count the number of weeks this year (out of six plus months) that the Wii actually outsold the current production rate of 1.8m/month or 415k/week and what will you see?

Four times. Twice at about 450k, one of which was for the first week of January as sales for all consoles were tapering down. Plus one huge 684k week and one more at 507k.

600k/week production will simply mean one thing: anyone will be able to walk into a store and just buy a Wii sitting on the shelf. That will make the consumers happy, it will make Nintendo's shareholders happy; everybody happy except for those whose "infinite demand theory" regarding the Wii becomes officially debunked.


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It's not easy to up production people, it takes time to change the factories efficiency output, and believe me, it more than a matter of one week.

Probably if Nintendo decided to make more Wiis they would sell quite nicely but only if they would be able to dish out just as many Wii fits.

Huh. Who would've thought that beggining anew in my real life would coincide with starting anew on vgchartz?

Any day now, the dollar will be worth less than 2 zloty......any day now.....and my life savings will be in total jepordy ;(.

It takes months actually.

In this instance, the jump from 1.8m to 2.4m meant the addition of a new manufacturing facility. The existing facilities must have been pushing near maximum output, which would explain the relatively long period of time between production jumps.

I wasn't sold on the theory that Wii Fit would move millions of consoles before the NA debut, and I'm even less convinced now. Matching production with demand has been even worse than the consoles themselves, yet the consoles continue to sell out consistently.

What sells the Wii more than any soft title? Simply having inventory on retail shelves. And until consumers can buy one at will without it being an easter egg hunt, meaning there is always stock on hand, there can be no legitimate claims that any soft title is responsible for moving more hardware units than normal.

Nintendo can cut back shipments prior to a big release (stockpile) and then release withheld stock to coincide with a major soft release, but that is not the same. The consoles sell out either way, but by timing their release along with major soft debuts, they can add a bullet in their quarterly report to show that the soft moved hardware.

I think it could happen 4 or 5 weeks in a row around the holidays each year, but during the slow period it might just happen once every month or two.

I'm thinking that they could definitely sell 600K a week. It sounds like a good number to me.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

2.4 million/4 weeks = 600k

Who'd have thunk it?