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I don't know, they decided that creating a giant annoyance would better suit gamers.

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@SlumsOfOhio - Oh, come on now, 24,000 people! They better be planning on upgrading their severs, and fast.

Konami is really falling down in my estimations. I'm willing to reckon that they KNEW that peeps would be pissed at the registration system, so they didn't build that many servers. In fact, I reckon they implemented this entire shitty system so that they wouldn't have to build any more servers. Tight arsed penny pinchers.

SlumsofOhio said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Oh, seriously, that has pissed me off. Big time. I've just read about how Konami handles the whole shitty sign up system, and now I find that when I finally do go through the whole shitty rigmarole, I won't even be able to play with my friends.

Why did Konami ignore PSN? It's there for a reason, why not use it?

Another thing, they have a total of 24 lobbies, but there is a limit of 1000 people per lobby. Thats a total of 24,000 people in all of the lobbies.


Last night I was on and saw only 912 people in Team DM. I thought the networking must of been shot to hell, but I guess the whole system is just retarded.

And the character system is what pisses me off the most. I mean, you can't change your characters face? Why not? And its locked down to one character per PS3? Talk about bullshit.

The whole system, including the gameplay of MGO, strikes me as a very japanese way to do online gaming. For example, if you accidentally shoot a teammate it prevents you from firing for a few seconds. I'm all for preventing greifing, but doing it in a way that makes you vulnerable to enemy fire is BS. Camping spawns is easy, despite their attempts to prevent it.

And the map design strikes me as terrible, especially for a third-person shooter. 

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

SamuelRSmith said:
@SlumsOfOhio - Oh, come on now, 24,000 people! They better be planning on upgrading their severs, and fast.

Konami is really falling down in my estimations. I'm willing to reckon that they KNEW that peeps would be pissed at the registration system, so they didn't build that many servers. In fact, I reckon they implemented this entire shitty system so that they wouldn't have to build any more servers. Tight arsed penny pinchers.

I'm serious, I tried to enter a lobby yesterday (947 people were in it) and a error message showed up. "This lobby is full".

DLC for MGS4 you will have to go through Konami's website, it will not be available through PSN. (Because they don't use PSN)


sieanr said:
SlumsofOhio said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Oh, seriously, that has pissed me off. Big time. I've just read about how Konami handles the whole shitty sign up system, and now I find that when I finally do go through the whole shitty rigmarole, I won't even be able to play with my friends.

Why did Konami ignore PSN? It's there for a reason, why not use it?

Another thing, they have a total of 24 lobbies, but there is a limit of 1000 people per lobby. Thats a total of 24,000 people in all of the lobbies.


Last night I was on and saw only 912 people in Team DM. I thought the networking must of been shot to hell, but I guess the whole system is just retarded.

And the character system is what pisses me off the most. I mean, you can't change your characters face? Why not? And its locked down to one character per PS3? Talk about bullshit.

The whole system, including the gameplay of MGO, strikes me as a very japanese way to do online gaming. For example, if you accidentally shoot a teammate it prevents you from firing for a few seconds. I'm all for preventing greifing, but doing it in a way that makes you vulnerable to enemy fire is BS. Camping spawns is easy, despite their attempts to prevent it.

And the map design strikes me as terrible, especially for a third-person shooter. 

You can go through the Automatchmaking, but that is limited as well. I would say that a total of 50,000 people can play MGO at one time. Maybe less.


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Okay, two people seem to be interested in our MGO league, anyone else like to give it a try?


I will.... but i work alot during the summer, so it depends when you guys will be playing

PSNID- Sicilian
KONAMIID- sicilian4391
GAMEID- sicilian



Sicilian. said:
I will.... but i work alot during the summer, so it depends when you guys will be playing

PSNID- Sicilian
KONAMIID- sicilian4391
GAMEID- sicilian

 This league will be for the weekends more likely (Sundays).


For those interested, please put your Game ID here instead of your PSN, thanks.


^ Oh ok i only work weekdays.... I will  join



IllegalPaladin said:
If that doesn't kill you, don't forget about how you can only have one character and you have to purchase a $6 character slot to make more. I fear for the micro transactions in this game.

That said, how are people good at MGO? Do they use a FragFX controller or something? I mean, I'll see a guy get 4 or 5 back to back headshots within a short time while any kill I make feels like I'm throwing dice in a game of chance.

 I do this all the time; rapidly tap your button for assult rifles instead of holding it down, accuracy increases dramatically.