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Forums - Gaming Discussion - do you think wii will ever get a 10 at IGN?

PS3 and xbox 360 have both gotten 10's,so do you think wii will ever get one?

i think the next zelda or a SMG sequel will be able to get a 10

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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I don't think there's been a Wii game yet where the Wiimote hasn't caused at least one frustrating element. That said, it's perfectly achievable. I think it will be the next Zelda.



If I were to make a wild guess, I too would have to think a Zelda game would do it.

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Why not..
Next Zelda would be best guess if it developed three or four years..:)

MontanaHatchet said:
I don't think there's been a Wii game yet where the Wiimote hasn't caused at least one frustrating element. That said, it's perfectly achievable. I think it will be the next Zelda.

I don't think it's fair to blame it on the wiimote. SMG was great. Some parts the camera would get finicky and you'd have to adjust it with the d-pad (if the game allowed you as it wouldn't in certain areas) but that would be the same with a "traditional" controller.

That said I don't know if there will be an IGN 10 score for a Wii game.  IGN usually doesn't give out 10s and it was a big deal when they gave one to GTA.  Which is why it's even crazier another 10 was handed out just weeks later to MGS.  Maybe they're getting more lenient or maybe it was just a coincidence with two reviewers meshing perfectly with two games and awarding it a 10. 

Around the Network

Zelda or a DK game, no other 1st party game could do it. MP4 may, if it's ever released.
Maybe a big 3rd party game, I dont think so though.

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MontanaHatchet said:
I don't think there's been a Wii game yet where the Wiimote hasn't caused at least one frustrating element. That said, it's perfectly achievable. I think it will be the next Zelda.

i dont think it ruined anything in metroid prime 3,but then again the game itself isnt perfect

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

MontanaHatchet said:
I don't think there's been a Wii game yet where the Wiimote hasn't caused at least one frustrating element. That said, it's perfectly achievable. I think it will be the next Zelda.

It's funny, most people complained about SMG because it didn't use the Wii-Mote enough. That said, imo, SMG is better than GTAIV, and I think it's hard to argue against that opinion, having completed both games. RE4 actually had improved controls thanks to the Wii-Mote, and PES is far superior to its HD counterparts.

10/10 on IGN isn't some magical achievement as much as it is proof that some reviewers at IGN need to re-examine their methods. 

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trestres said:
Zelda or a DK game, no other 1st party game could do it. MP4 may, if it's ever released.
Maybe a big 3rd party game, I dont think so though.

 There isn't going to be a MP4. MP3 was the last of the prime sub series.

sc94597 said:
trestres said:
Zelda or a DK game, no other 1st party game could do it. MP4 may, if it's ever released.
Maybe a big 3rd party game, I dont think so though.

 There isn't going to be a MP4. MP3 was the last of the prime sub series.

but there are gonna be more metroids,which i think will still be as good as the prime series

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"