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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X-Play's Top 8 Games of 08 (So Far)

@disolitude and KingofWale

I'm sorry gentlemen, but neither one of you have any idea of what your talking about, imho.

First, Burnout Paradise, NG2, and MK all got 4/5's on Xplay, while DMC4 got a 3/5.

While I can't agree with some of their reviews, I do generally agree with this list.

One thing is certain, neither of you have ever played Okami for the Wii. It is most certainly the definitive version, with clearer graphics, 16:9 420p, the game looks great, and plays even better. The infamous "god" konji is a tougher draw, sure, but it really takes the game to another level when you actaully have to skill up at drawing. It's a fantastic game, and the superior version despite what fanboy talking point from PS2 fans that you might have heard. Check the gamerankings score, then check the NG2 gamerankings score.

You'll find that Okami Wii is a AAA title with a 90.3.

The World Ends With you certainly belongs on the list.

Burnout Paradise doesn't. It is quite unremarkable, imo, and NG2 is great, but flawed, and I would put it as number 9. DMC4 is also a good game, however, if NG2 is number 9, then DMC4 is my number 11.

The facts are you both hate the Wii. Your bias spills over everyday in your posts.

Another thing, KingofWale, you hate Xplay for their review of Core Crisis, which was a 2/5. Controversial, but acceptable, as the game was a bit flawed, imo.

So, we're certainly all bias, but I thought I'd give you guys little reality check during your bashing of Okami Wii. It's certainly better than those games you thought should be been before it, port or not, just fyi.

...and for the record, NMH is better than NG2, in my, and the general opinion of critics worldwide. Sometimes it's better to just not post.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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i come in with only having played brawl and okami (ps2 version). okami should be higher.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

They always do rag on the Wii.

Even on this show before showing No More Heroes (the third game in the show) Adam gave a dig..... "while the Wii may be the hottest console on the market, it's catalog of games doesn't exactly fill us with excitement. Thankfully January brought us the most insane game ever to hit a Nintendo system since Killer 7, which makes sense, because the same person made it. Here's Suda 51's "No More Heroes".

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
radioioRobert said:
They always do rag on the Wii.

Even on this show before showing No More Heroes (the third game in the show) Adam gave a dig..... "while the Wii may be the hottest console on the market, it's catalog of games doesn't exactly fill us with excitement. Thankfully January brought us the most insane game ever to hit a Nintendo system since Killer 7, which makes sense, because the same person made it. Here's Suda 51's "No More Heroes".

So... it has 4 of the best 8 games of the year.... according to them... yet it's catalog doesn't fill them with excitement.

I... don't get that one.

^they are really confusing somtimes

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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They are probably referring to the fact that there is a bunch of cheap garbage being shoved out of studios in no time flat to try and make a quick buck on the Wii. Just because a system has some of the top games of the year, doesn't mean its entire catalog of games comes even close to the handful of good ones. What they said makes sense to me, and isn't contradictory at all. The Wii has a handful of AWESOME games, but it also has a BOATLOAD of random crap too. That is probably what they were talking about when they made that comment.

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Changing channels with my voice: priceless!!!

starcraft said:
Its saddening that Lost Odyssey isn't there.

Don't know about NG2, I haven't played it.

 Agreed, Lost Odyssey is way too epic to be left out.  Fable 2 will have to be amazing to even have a chance at the RPG crown this year.  (I do expect great things from Fable 2, this comment is mostly just a testament to the greatness of LO.)

Wonder how many of these games will last through the year end top 8 or top 10. MGS4 will take 1 place, and many other great titles are on the way.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
spdk1 said:
x-play has gotten better though, a few years ago they did almost entirely comedy spots instead of reviews half of the time. I remember a review for Shining tears where they mocked the game, and did not actually tell any info about it. now they seem to have matured slightly...

 You must have missed the episode where they reviewed GRID.  They didn't tell you a damn thing about it other than great damage modeling, great graphics and they didn't like the product placement (like selling your cars on ebay).  They didn't tell you how many cars (a lot? little? 100? 200? 10?) or tracks (same as before) or what kind of racer it was.  Is it an arcade racer?  Simulation?  Mix of both?  It was really quite sad.

During the afternoons G4 is running "classic" X-Play episodes. The amount of skit's is pretty scary, as is the intro of MOOOOOOOOOOOOrgan Webb!

I have to say it is a much better show now, even if it is a 360 lovefest, as well as a FPS lovefest. Now at least there are good and bad moments, instead of just bad.

Plus Morgan's head looks a lot better longer.....

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709