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@disolitude and KingofWale

I'm sorry gentlemen, but neither one of you have any idea of what your talking about, imho.

First, Burnout Paradise, NG2, and MK all got 4/5's on Xplay, while DMC4 got a 3/5.

While I can't agree with some of their reviews, I do generally agree with this list.

One thing is certain, neither of you have ever played Okami for the Wii. It is most certainly the definitive version, with clearer graphics, 16:9 420p, the game looks great, and plays even better. The infamous "god" konji is a tougher draw, sure, but it really takes the game to another level when you actaully have to skill up at drawing. It's a fantastic game, and the superior version despite what fanboy talking point from PS2 fans that you might have heard. Check the gamerankings score, then check the NG2 gamerankings score.

You'll find that Okami Wii is a AAA title with a 90.3.

The World Ends With you certainly belongs on the list.

Burnout Paradise doesn't. It is quite unremarkable, imo, and NG2 is great, but flawed, and I would put it as number 9. DMC4 is also a good game, however, if NG2 is number 9, then DMC4 is my number 11.

The facts are you both hate the Wii. Your bias spills over everyday in your posts.

Another thing, KingofWale, you hate Xplay for their review of Core Crisis, which was a 2/5. Controversial, but acceptable, as the game was a bit flawed, imo.

So, we're certainly all bias, but I thought I'd give you guys little reality check during your bashing of Okami Wii. It's certainly better than those games you thought should be been before it, port or not, just fyi.

...and for the record, NMH is better than NG2, in my, and the general opinion of critics worldwide. Sometimes it's better to just not post.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.