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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How strongly do you favor a system?

I am very pro Wii and indifferent to everything else.

I don't insult the other systems. They just don't appeal to me.

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Pro PS3
Pro Wii
360 I like, but don't have as much interest in. So indifferent?

I got them all and use them for different uses.

If i had to choose

360 > PS3 > Wii

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

Playstation Network: Jessman_Aus - Playing: MGS4, Resistance 2

Wii Freind Code: 3513-9191-8534-3866 - Playing: SSBB

Brawl Code: 1590-6125-1250

Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



I've got a Wii and 360, so I'll focus on those.

I like the Wii because the games on it so far have been so good. I want to like the 360, so whenever I get my hands on a game I might like for the system I tend to favor it for a while. I always go back to the Wii, though, because there's a lot of fun to be had on that system.

I'm Pro Wii, and largely indifferent to the other consoles. This doesn't mean I won't play games on those consoles if someone brings one over though.

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I don't have a console preference, I have a games and value preference.

Right now that puts me at about:

60% 360
25% Wii
15% PS3

Given its expense the PS3 doesn't justify itself based on the games available for me. If I become interested in Blu-Ray its likely the console's value will exponentially increase in my eyes.

The Wii's game library isn't as strong as the Xbox 360's but I place it ahead of the PS3 because it is far cheaper and does some cool new things.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

The only company left that I'm a fan of is Nintendo. I was a Sega fan as well but Sammy screwed them up beyond repair it seems. I enjoy my 360 the most because it has the best library, although I'm not a fan of MS as a company. I don't like Sony as a company either but it won't stop me from picking up a PS3 once either the price comes down or their are more games that I want that I can't get on my 360.

I am not a fan of consoles, but I am a fan of great games.  I play my son's 360 some and I think it is a great system with great games. The 360 exclusives dont impress me much. Great online service, I don't see how anyone could dispute that, other than not being free. But thats nipicking.

I have a PS3 in my living room and am very happy with it so far. I love the PS3 exclusives, Warhawk, Resistance (SO looking forward to Resistance 2), Motostorm is a blast, Killzone 2 looks promising. Pretty pumped for a Twisted Metal game also!!!! The multiplatform games I have played have not been disappointing, COD4 and GTA4.  I wanna give The Orange Box a shot but I have heard the PS3 version is subpar compared to the 360 version. Hopefully Home will as least as good as Xbox Live. I would like to see developers getting a better grip on programming for the system.

My thoughts on the Wii?  DAMN fun!  Lots of shovelware out there but still some great times to be had.

  Tifa got MOVES!

Very Pro Nintendo
Moderate Microsoft
Anti Sony

Time for confessions then, im a:
tekken - final fantasy-mgs4-team ico fan 300% so right now am with sony unless this games appear in other consoles with good quality. Im a moderate wii because of childishness of Nintendo games, but i like metroid so i may get a wii some time in the future if more games like it appear, a refuse to play games where the character scream “ji ji” when I jump and I pick up flowers, is not very manly. Less than moderate 360, it has good games but the best are on my pc right now and is unreliable also I have had several very bad experiences with MS products.