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I am not a fan of consoles, but I am a fan of great games.  I play my son's 360 some and I think it is a great system with great games. The 360 exclusives dont impress me much. Great online service, I don't see how anyone could dispute that, other than not being free. But thats nipicking.

I have a PS3 in my living room and am very happy with it so far. I love the PS3 exclusives, Warhawk, Resistance (SO looking forward to Resistance 2), Motostorm is a blast, Killzone 2 looks promising. Pretty pumped for a Twisted Metal game also!!!! The multiplatform games I have played have not been disappointing, COD4 and GTA4.  I wanna give The Orange Box a shot but I have heard the PS3 version is subpar compared to the 360 version. Hopefully Home will as least as good as Xbox Live. I would like to see developers getting a better grip on programming for the system.

My thoughts on the Wii?  DAMN fun!  Lots of shovelware out there but still some great times to be had.

  Tifa got MOVES!